Home Symptoms Zika: 7 symptoms that may indicate infection with the virus

Zika: 7 symptoms that may indicate infection with the virus


Zika symptoms include low-grade fever, pain in muscles and joints, as well as redness in the eyes and red patches on the skin. The disease is spread by the same mosquito as dengue, and symptoms usually appear 10 days after the bite.

Usually the transmission of the Zika virus occurs through the bite, but there are already cases of people who have become infected through sexual contact without a condom. One of the biggest complications of this disease occurs when the pregnant woman is infected with the virus, which can cause microcephaly in the baby.

The symptoms of Zika are similar to those of Dengue, however, the Zika virus is weaker and therefore, the symptoms are milder and disappear within 4 to 7 days, however it is important to go to the doctor to confirm if you really have Zika. Initially, the symptoms can be confused with a simple flu, causing:

1. Low fever

Low fever, which can vary between 37.8 ° C and 38.5 ° C, occurs because with the entry of the virus in the body there is an increase in the production of antibodies and this increase raises the body temperature. So the fever should not be seen as a bad thing, but it signals that the antibodies are working to fight the invading agent.

How to relieve: in addition to the medications indicated by the doctor, it can be useful to avoid very hot clothes, take a slightly warm shower to adjust the skin temperature and place cold cloths on the neck and armpits, to decrease body temperature.

2. Red spots on the skin

These occur throughout the body and are slightly elevated. They start on the face and then spread throughout the body and can sometimes be confused with measles or dengue, for example. At the medical post, the test of the loop can differentiate the symptoms of dengue, since the result will always be negative in case of Zika. Unlike dengue, Zika does not cause bleeding complications.

3. Itchy body

In addition to the small spots on the skin, Zika also causes itchy skin in most cases, however the itchiness tends to decrease in 5 days and can be treated with antihistamines prescribed by the doctor.

How to relieve: Taking cold baths can also help relieve itching. Applying cornstarch porridge or fine oats to the most affected areas can also help to control this symptom.

4. Pain in the joints and muscles

The pain caused by Zika affects all the muscles of the body, and occurs mainly in the small joints of the hands and feet. In addition, the region may become slightly swollen and red, as it also occurs in the case of arthritis. The pain can be more intense when moving, hurting less when at rest.

How to relieve: medications like Paracetamol and Dipyrone are useful to relieve this pain, but cold compresses can also help to loosen joints, relieving pain and discomfort, in addition, you should rest whenever possible.

5. Headache

The headache caused by Zika mainly affects the back of the eyes, the person may have the feeling that the head is throbbing, but in some people the headache is not very strong or is nonexistent.

How to relieve: placing cold water compresses on your forehead and drinking warm chamomile tea can help to relieve this discomfort.

6. Physical and mental tiredness

With the action of the immune system against the virus, there is a greater energy expenditure and consequently the person feels more tired, with difficulty to move and concentrate. This occurs as a form of protection for the person to rest and the body can focus on fighting the virus.

How to relieve: you should rest as much as possible, drink plenty of water and oral rehydration serum, similar to the amount directed at treating dengue, and evaluate the possibility of not attending school or work.

7. Redness and tenderness in the eyes

This redness is caused by increased periorbital blood circulation. Despite being similar to conjunctivitis, there is no yellowish secretion, although there may be a slight increase in the production of tears. In addition, the eyes are more sensitive to daylight and it may be more comfortable to wear sunglasses.

How to get the virus

The Zika virus is transmitted to humans through the bite of the Aedes Aegypti mosquito, which usually bites in the late afternoon and evening. Watch the video to learn how to protect yourself from Aedes Aegypti :

But the virus can also pass from mother to child during pregnancy, causing a serious sequel, called microcephaly, and also through unprotected sex with people who have the disease, a cause that is still being studied by researchers.

In addition, there is also a suspicion that Zika may be transmitted through breast milk, causing the baby to develop Zika symptoms and also through saliva, but these hypotheses are unconfirmed and appear to be very rare.

How the treatment is done

There is no specific treatment or remedy for the Zika virus and, therefore, medications that help relieve symptoms and facilitate recovery are generally indicated, such as:

  • Analgesics such as Paracetamol or Dipyrone, every 6 hours, to fight pain and fever; Anti-allergens, such as Loratadine, Cetirizine or Hydroxyzine, to relieve redness in the skin, eyes and itching in the body; Lubricating eye drops like Moura Brasil, to be applied to the eyes 3 to 6 times a day; Oral rehydration serum and other liquids, to avoid dehydration and as per medical advice.

In addition to medication, it is important to rest for 7 days and eat a diet rich in vitamins and minerals, in addition to drinking plenty of water, to recover faster.

Medicines that contain acetylsalicylic acid, such as aspirin, should not be used, as is the case in dengue cases, because they can increase the risk of bleeding. Check a list of the contraindications for these two diseases.

Complications of the Zika virus

Although Zika is usually milder than dengue, in some people it can have complications, especially the development of Guillain-Barré syndrome, in which the immune system itself begins to attack the body's nerve cells. Understand more about what this syndrome is and how it is treated.

In addition, pregnant women infected with Zika are also at increased risk of having a baby with microcephaly, which is a serious neurological disorder.

Therefore, if in addition to the typical symptoms of Zika, the person presents any alteration of diseases that they already have, such as diabetes and hypertension, or worsening of the symptoms, they should return to the doctor as soon as possible to perform tests and start an intensive treatment.

Zika: 7 symptoms that may indicate infection with the virus