Home Symptoms Vitamin b3 deficiency symptoms

Vitamin b3 deficiency symptoms


Niacin, also known as vitamin B3, acts on the body performing functions such as improving blood circulation, relieving migraines and improving diabetes control.

This vitamin can be found in foods such as meat, fish, milk, eggs and green vegetables such as kale and spinach, and its deficiency can cause the following symptoms in the body:

  • Poor digestion; Thrush in the mouth; Frequent tiredness; Vomiting; Depression; Pellagra, a skin disease that causes skin irritation, diarrhea and dementia.

However, as the body is able to produce niacin, its deficiency is rare, occurring mainly in people who consume alcohol in excess, who do not eat properly or who have cancer of the carcinoma type. See the list of foods rich in this vitamin.

Excess niacin

The excess of niacin occurs mainly due to the use of supplements with this nutrient, which can cause symptoms such as burning, tingling, intestinal gas, dizziness, headache and itching and redness in the face, arms and chest. These symptoms worsen when alcohol intake occurs while taking the vitamin supplement.

A tip to reduce the side effects of this vitamin is to start supplementation with small doses to facilitate the body's adaptation.

Excessive consumption of niacin can also worsen diseases such as diabetes, low blood pressure, gout, allergies, ulcers, gallbladder, liver, heart and kidney problems. In addition, people who will undergo surgery should stop supplementing with this vitamin 2 weeks before the surgical procedure, to avoid changes in blood glucose and facilitate healing.

See the functions of this vitamin in the body in Pra that serves Niacin.

Vitamin b3 deficiency symptoms