Home Symptoms Medicated hepatitis: learn how to identify symptoms

Medicated hepatitis: learn how to identify symptoms


Medicinal hepatitis has as main symptoms the change in the color of urine and feces, yellow eyes and skin, nausea and vomiting, for example.

This type of hepatitis corresponds to inflammation of the liver caused by prolonged or inappropriate use of drugs that act directly on liver cells. In addition, drug hepatitis can happen when a person is very sensitive to a certain drug, causing a reaction, similar to allergy, in the liver.

Main symptoms

Symptoms of drug-induced hepatitis usually appear when the degree of liver poisoning is very high. It is important that the symptoms of medicated hepatitis are identified quickly, because when treatment is done in the early stages of the disease, it is possible to control the symptoms and decrease the inflammation of the liver.

If you suspect that you may have drug hepatitis, select what you are feeling in the following test:

  1. 1. Pain in the upper right belly Yes No
  2. 2. Yellowish color in the eyes or skin Yes No
  3. 3. Yellowish, gray or whitish stools Yes No
  4. 4. Dark urine Yes No
  5. 5. Constant low fever Yes No
  6. 6. Joint pain Yes No
  7. 7. Loss of appetite Yes No
  8. 8. Frequent feeling sick or dizzy Yes No
  9. 9. Easy tiredness for no apparent reason Yes No
  10. 10. Swollen belly Yes No

It is recommended that the person with suspected drug hepatitis go to the general practitioner or hepatologist so that tests can be requested, the diagnosis can be made and treatment started. One of the main causes of medicated hepatitis is the incorrect use of medications, as they can overload and intoxicate the liver. Therefore, it is important that the use of medications is made only under medical advice. Learn all about medicated hepatitis.

How the treatment is done

Treatment for medicated hepatitis consists of liver detoxification that can be achieved by drinking plenty of water and a light diet, free from alcoholic beverages.

In addition, it is essential to stop taking any medication to speed up the liver's recovery process. However, when even after stopping the medicine that causes hepatitis, the symptoms do not go away, the doctor may indicate the use of corticosteroids that should be used for about 2 months or until the liver tests are normalized.

Medicated hepatitis: learn how to identify symptoms