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Dust allergy: symptoms, causes and what to do


Dust allergy occurs mainly because of the allergic reaction caused by dust mites, which are small animals that can accumulate on carpets, curtains and bedding, leading to the appearance of symptoms such as sneezing, itchy nose, dry cough, difficulty breathing and redness. in the eyes, appearing mainly after cleaning or when entering places that have been closed for a long time.

The treatment for dust allergy should be based mainly on environmental control measures, this means maintaining the hygiene of the house, changing the bed linen frequently and avoiding the use of carpets and stuffed animals. If even with these measures the symptoms do not improve, it is necessary to consult a general practitioner or allergist so that anti-allergic or corticoid remedies can be indicated.

Main symptoms

The symptoms of dust allergy are similar to those that appear in respiratory allergy, which can be:

  • Constant sneezing; Dry cough; Difficulty breathing; Shortness of breath and noises when breathing; Itchy nose and eyes; Runny nose; Watery eyes and redness; Pellets on the skin.

Symptoms usually arise when you are tidying up the house, after waking up, when you are tugging at stuffed animals, or when entering carpeted or long-closed places.

To confirm dust allergy it is important to consult a general practitioner or allergist who will analyze these symptoms and may request blood tests and allergy testing, which is done in the doctor's office and aims to identify the cause of the symptoms. See how the allergy test is done.

Possible causes

The allergy to dust happens because of an exaggerated reaction of the defense cells of the body in the presence of proteins released by the mites, their excrement or fragments of their body, which are very small animals, invisible to the naked eye, which feed on the remains of human skin and accumulate in hot and humid places, such as carpets, curtains, rugs, bedding, sofa and stuffed animals.

The type of mite that most causes dust allergy is of the genus Dermatophagoides , and is also the cause of diseases such as atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis and asthma, which is a chronic inflammation in the lung caused by allergy. Learn more about asthma and main types.

What to do to improve

To improve the symptoms of dust allergy, it is essential to avoid contact with objects that may have accumulation of dust and, consequently, mites, as well as avoid staying in very closed and humid places.

If the allergy does not improve and the symptoms worsen even with reduced contact of the person with the dust, it is necessary to consult a general practitioner or allergist so that the use of anti-allergic medications, such as Desloratadine and Polaramine, or even corticosteroids, such as Prednisone. In some cases, the doctor may recommend the use of an allergy injection to reduce allergic attacks. Check out more how allergy injection works.

How to prevent allergic attacks

To prevent dust allergy attacks, it is important to take environmental control measures, such as:

  • Keep the house ventilated; Clean the house regularly; Avoid pillows and feather or cotton comforters, opting for synthetic polyester fabrics; Clean the floor with a damp cloth so as not to raise dust; Avoid carpets and curtains in the bedroom; Give preference to blinds roll up, which are easier to clean than curtains; clean the carpets with vacuum cleaner at least twice a week; change the bedding every week, washing it in the machine with hot water; avoid having stuffed animals in the Use a protective mask when cleaning places with a lot of dust.

In addition, if you have pets at home it is important to avoid their contact with the bed, so that they do not accumulate hair, which also cause allergies and are food for mites. See what the symptoms of animal hair allergy are.

Dust allergy: symptoms, causes and what to do