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Generalized anxiety disorder: symptoms and treatment


Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a psychological disorder where there is excessive concern on a daily basis for at least 6 months. This excessive worry can lead to other symptoms, such as agitation, fear and muscle tension.

The GAD can predispose the person to present other psychological disorders, mainly depression. This is because the person starts to think about possible future scenarios, worrying about minor issues, they have difficulty to stop being worried, and one concern leads to bigger ones.

The treatment of generalized anxiety disorder aims to interrupt the cycle of worries and should be guided by a psychologist or psychiatrist, and the use of medication or relaxation techniques may be recommended, depending on the degree of the disorder. Find out how natural treatment for anxiety can help.

Symptoms of generalized anxiety

Symptoms include excessive worry most of the time, for at least 6 months, and other physical symptoms such as muscle pain, double vision, cardiac changes, increased breathing rate, excessive sweating, dry mouth, tiredness, difficulty concentrating, insomnia and extreme sensitivity.

The presence of these symptoms causes people who suffer from this disorder to seek medical help to resolve these symptoms rather than psychological help, which is the most effective treatment to achieve a cure.

Find out if you can have GAD by checking your symptoms:

  1. 1. Did you feel nervous, anxious or on edge? Yes No
  2. 2. Did you feel that you were easily tired? Yes No
  3. 3. Did you have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep? Yes No
  4. 4. Did you find it difficult to stop feeling worried? Yes No
  5. 5. Did you find it difficult to relax? Yes No
  6. 6. Did you feel so worried that it was difficult to stay still? Yes No
  7. 7. Did you feel easily irritable or upset? Yes No
  8. 8. Did you feel afraid as if something very bad was going to happen? Yes No

The diagnosis of generalized anxiety disorder is made by a psychologist or psychiatrist through the signs shown by the person and, through analysis, treatment is established.

How the treatment is done

The treatment of GAD is established by the psychiatrist or psychologist and aims to interrupt the cycle of concerns that is present in the person's life.

The behavioral model based on acceptance is a great form of treatment that can be implemented by the psychologist and if the symptoms shown by the patient are punctual, therapy sessions and activities that promote relaxation, such as meditation, yoga, mindfulness and practice, can be recommended. physical activities.

However, when symptoms are more frequent and start to interfere with daily life and interfere with quality of life, it may be necessary to take anxiolytic or antidepressant drugs, which should be used according to medical advice. In addition, it is very important that the person continues to attend therapy sessions even if they feel better after starting to take the medicine.

Find out how anxiety treatment can be done.

Is generalized anxiety curable?

Generalized anxiety disorder is curable and, therefore, it is important that the person seeks psychological help as soon as he realizes that he is too worried about small things, for example. Therapy is very important in these cases, as it allows the person to share their problems with the therapist and learns to value little things less.

Causes of generalized anxiety

TAG has several causes, being very influenced by lifestyle. People who live very busy lives, who are under continuous stress or who tend to pay close attention to the smallest details are more likely to develop the disorder. In addition, some genetic conditions can increase a person's chance of developing this psychological disorder.

Generalized anxiety disorder can manifest at different ages, and must be accompanied by a psychologist or psychiatrist as soon as the first symptoms appear so that the disorder does not have as much influence on the person's quality of life.

See also how to relieve anxiety symptoms through the following video:

Generalized anxiety disorder: symptoms and treatment