Home Symptoms Ascariasis: main symptoms and how prevention is done

Ascariasis: main symptoms and how prevention is done


Ascaris lumbricoides is the parasite most often associated with intestinal infections, especially in children, since they have a completely undeveloped immune system and because they do not have such correct hygiene habits. Thus, infection with this parasite becomes more frequent, and can be noticed by intestinal symptoms, such as colic, lack of appetite, weight loss and difficulty in evacuating, for example.

It is important that ascariasis is identified and treated quickly to avoid complications, which normally happen when this parasite reaches other parts of the body, with possible liver damage or severe respiratory symptoms, for example.

Treatment for ascariasis should be done as directed by the doctor, and the use of Albendazole and Mebendazole is usually indicated. At the same time it is important to improve hygiene habits, to avoid contamination, it is recommended to wash your hands well after using the bathroom, wash food well before preparing it and avoid drinking water that is potentially infected.

Ascaris lumbricoides egg

How to know if it is Ascariasis

Symptoms of Ascaris lumbricoides infection usually appear when there is a large amount of roundworms in the intestine or when this parasite reaches adulthood, the main symptoms being:

  • Intestinal colic; Difficulty evacuating; Nausea; Lack of appetite; Excessive tiredness; There may be appendicitis; There may be malabsorption of nutrients leaving the individual anemic.

In addition, clinical manifestations may vary according to the action of this parasite, in its adult form, in the body, such as:

  • Spurious action, which happens when the adult parasite starts to consume a large amount of nutrients present in people's intestines, resulting in weight loss, neurological changes and malnutrition, especially in children; Toxic action, which corresponds to the body's reaction to the parasite's antigens, with edema, hives and convulsion; Mechanical action, in which the parasite remains in the intestine, curls up and results in obstruction of the intestine. This type of action is more common in children due to the small intestine size and intense parasitic load.

Adult worms have a length ranging from 15 to 50 centimeters and a diameter of 2.5 to 5 millimeters and they can even affect other organs, in which case the symptoms may vary. The migration of larvae through the lungs can cause fever and cough, for example. To confirm the presence of ascariasis, see how to know if you have worms.

Treatment for ascariasis

Treatment for ascariasis is usually done with the use of remedies for worms such as Albendazole and Mebendazole, for example. The drug is capable of killing Ascaris lumbricoides , which is eliminated in the feces. However, if the parasite has affected other organs, minor surgery may be required to remove it. Understand how the treatment for Ascariasis is done.

How to prevent

To avoid infection with Ascaris lumbricoides it is important to adopt preventive measures, such as washing your hands well after using the bathroom, washing food before preparing it, avoiding direct contact with feces and drinking drinking water, for example.

In addition, it is important that the population of endemic regions be treated periodically with remedies that promote the elimination of parasite eggs in feces, in addition to it being important to treat human feces that can be used as fertilizers.

Ascariasis: main symptoms and how prevention is done