Home Symptoms Asthma symptoms: in adults, children and babies

Asthma symptoms: in adults, children and babies


The main symptom of asthma is shortness of breath, which can appear suddenly after being exposed to a certain environmental factor that causes a change in the airways, either by an allergy to dust or pollen, or by a hyper-reaction to the practice. of intense physical exercise, for example.

Thus, and depending on the factor that leads to the onset of the asthma crisis, the condition can take several years to be identified, since the symptoms only appear after exposure to the factor. In addition, some people may be more or less sensitive, which causes some people to have symptoms very often and others only occasionally.

How to know if it is asthma

The main signs and symptoms of asthma are:

  • Shortness of breath and feeling that the air does not reach the lungs; Cough especially at night; Feeling of pressure in the chest; Wheezing or characteristic noise when breathing.

Asthma symptoms usually arise when the person is exposed to cold, smoke, strong odors, perfumes, mites or fungi, being more frequent early in the morning or at night, when the person goes to bed to sleep.

In addition, asthma symptoms can appear or worsen when the person has the flu or cold or when performing intense physical exercise, such as running, for example. Understand what exercise-induced asthma is and how it happens.

Symptoms in the baby

The symptoms of asthma in the baby are the same as in the adult, but as the baby cannot explain what he is feeling, the asthma attack can be identified through some signs such as:

  • Purple-colored fingers and lips; Breathing faster than normal; Nose too open; Excessive tiredness, unwilling to play; Constant coughing; Difficulty eating.

When the baby has these symptoms, parents can place their ear against the baby's chest or back to check for any noise, which may be similar to the breathing of cats, and then inform the pediatrician so that diagnosis and treatment can be made. appropriate is indicated. Learn how to recognize baby's asthma symptoms.

In case the baby has pale skin and purplish fingers or lips, you should call for medical help or go to the hospital immediately, as the amount of oxygen reaching the blood is being very low.

How to confirm the diagnosis

The diagnosis of asthma is made by the doctor through the observation of symptoms and can be confirmed by pulmonary auscultation and by carrying out complementary exams, such as spirometry and broncho-provocation tests, where the doctor tries to trigger an asthma attack and offers the asthma remedy, to check if the symptoms disappear after use.

Learn more about tests to diagnose asthma.

What to do in the crisis

When the person is in an asthma attack, it is recommended that the SOS medication, prescribed by the doctor, be used as soon as possible and that the person be seated with the body slightly tilted forward. When symptoms do not subside, it is recommended that you call an ambulance or go to the nearest hospital.

During an asthma attack, you must act quickly because it can be fatal. See in more detail what to do in an asthma attack.

How the treatment is done

Asthma treatment is done for life and consists of using inhaled medicines and avoiding contact with agents that can trigger an asthma attack, such as contact with animals, carpets, curtains, dust, very humid and moldy places, for example.

The asthma medicine should be used, in the dose recommended by the doctor and whenever necessary. It is common for the doctor to prescribe a medication to relieve inflammation in the respiratory tract, which should be used daily, as well as another one for emergency situations, such as during crises. Better understand how asthma is treated and how to control symptoms.

Regular physical exercise is also indicated for the treatment and control of asthma because it improves the individual's cardiac and respiratory capacity. Swimming is a good exercise for asthma because it strengthens the respiratory muscles, however, all sports are recommended and, therefore, asthmatics can choose the one they like best.

Food can also help to relieve asthma attacks. See how:

Asthma symptoms: in adults, children and babies