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Primary syphilis: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment


Primary syphilis is the first stage of infection by the bacterium Treponema pallidum , which is responsible for syphilis, an infectious disease transmitted mainly through unprotected sexual intercourse, that is, without a condom, and is therefore considered a sexually transmitted infection (STI)).

This first phase of the disease is characterized by the appearance of a wound that does not hurt, itch or cause discomfort, in addition to disappearing naturally without the need for any type of treatment. Because of this, it is common that syphilis is not treated during this period, which was ideal, causing the bacteria to circulate through the body and reach other organs, resulting in the appearance of symptoms related to secondary and tertiary syphilis. Learn more about syphilis.

Symptoms of primary syphilis

Symptoms of primary syphilis usually appear about 3 weeks after contact with the bacteria, which may have happened due to unprotected sex and direct contact with the lesions characteristic of this stage of the disease. Primary syphilis is characterized by the appearance of a lesion called hard cancer, which has the following characteristics:

  • It does not itch; It does not hurt; It does not cause discomfort; Release of transparent discharge; In women, it can appear on the small lips and on the wall of the vagina, being difficult to be identified; In men, it can appear around the foreskin; If there has been oral sex or unprotected anal, hard cancer can also appear in the anus, mouth, tongue and throat.

Hard cancer usually begins as a small pink lump, but easily develops into a red ulcer, with hardened edges and which releases a transparent discharge.

Although hard cancer is very characteristic of the disease, it is often not identified due to the location that appears, or it is not given much importance because it does not hurt or cause discomfort and disappears after 4 to 5 weeks without leaving scars.

However, even with the disappearance of hard cancer it does not mean that the bacteria has been eliminated from the body and that there is no risk of transmission, on the contrary, the bacteria reaches the circulation and goes to other parts of the body as it proliferates, being still possible its transmission through unprotected sex, and giving rise to other symptoms, such as swelling of the tongue, appearance of red spots on the skin, especially on the hands, headache, fever and malaise. Learn to recognize the symptoms of syphilis.

How is the diagnosis

The diagnosis of syphilis still in the primary stage is very important, as it is possible that the treatment can be started immediately afterwards, preventing the bacteria from multiplying and spreading to the body and also preventing complications. Thus, the most recommended is that as soon as the person notices the appearance of a wound in the genital, anal or oral region that does not hurt or itch, go to the gynecologist, urologist, infectious disease or general practitioner to be evaluated.

If the person has had risky behavior, that is, has had sexual intercourse without a condom, the doctor may indicate the performance of the tests for syphilis, which is the rapid test and the non-treponemic test, also called VDRL. From these tests, it is possible to know if the person has the infection by the bacterium Treponema pallidum and in what quantity, which is given by the VDRL test, being important for the doctor to define the treatment. Understand what the VDRL exam is and how to interpret the result.

How treatment should be

Treatment for syphilis should be started as soon as the diagnosis is made and should be done by the couple, even if there are no symptoms, as the bacteria can remain in the body for years without leading to the appearance of signs or symptoms. Treatment is usually done using antibiotic injections, usually Benzathine Penicillin. However, in some cases, your doctor may recommend using Doxycycline or Tetracycline.

The treatment time and dose of the drug varies according to the severity and time of contamination by the bacteria. Better understand how the treatment for syphilis is done.

See also more information about syphilis in the following video:

Primary syphilis: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment