Home Home-Remedies 8 Super recipes to strengthen the body

8 Super recipes to strengthen the body


To increase immunity you can eat 1 clove of raw garlic a day, however there are also more pleasant juices and teas that can be useful to make your body stronger in fighting diseases and infections.

A weak body is more susceptible to disease and these simple measures help to maintain a healthy life. It is important to remember that the body and the mind are connected, so that in addition to following the tips above, it is necessary to get rid of all the stress and tension that happen on a daily basis.

1. Echinacea tea

A great home remedy to strengthen or regulate the immune system is to take echinacea and garlic tea, because echinacea is an adaptogen plant that helps to stimulate the immune system, if it is weak, or decrease it, if it is very active, as it happens in cases of autoimmune diseases, for example. Garlic has a strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action that protects against infections.


  • 1 tablespoon of echinacea; 1 clove of garlic; 1 cup of boiling water.

Method of preparation

Boil the water with the garlic clove and turn off the heat. Then, put the echinacea in the boiling water, cover and let it warm for 5 minutes. Filter and drink next, without sweetening. Take 3 to 4 cups of tea a day.

2. Strawberry juice

This juice is rich in vitamin C, which helps to improve the functioning of the body and strengthen the body's defenses.


  • 2 cups of strawberry; 300 ml of water; Honey to taste.

Method of preparation

Add all the ingredients in a blender and blend well. The juice can be sweetened with honey, since sugar helps in the development of inflammation in the body.

3. Mango juice

This juice is also rich in vitamin C and beta-carotene, which help to boost immunity.


  • 2 large mangoes; 2 carrots; 400 ml of water; honey to taste.

Method of preparation

Beat the ingredients in a blender and then sweeten with honey.

The properties and nutrients of this fruit also help to control blood pressure, so increase the daily consumption of this fruit, through juices, desserts and even hot meals, as a quality diet is crucial for good health.

4. Herbal tea and dehydrated apple

A good home remedy to boost the immune system is to drink echinacea tea fortified with licorice and purple ipe.


  • 1 handful of dehydrated apples1 handful of licorice1 handful of purple ipe peels1 handful of echinacea1 handful of cat's claw1 liter of boiling water

Method of preparation

To dehydrate the apple, wash it, cut it into pieces and bake until the pieces are dry and golden.

Place all the herbs and the apple in a pan, covering with boiling water. Cover, let stand for 20 minutes, strain and drink this tea several times a day.

5. Cistus incanus tea

Another excellent home remedy to boost the immune system is to drink cistus incanus tea because this medicinal plant has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antimicrobial and anti-tumor properties that help protect against various types of diseases.


  • 1 teaspoon of dried cistus incanus leaves 1 cup of boiling water

Method of preparation

Add the leaves to the boiling water and let it sit for a few minutes. When it is warm, strain and drink next.

6. Soursop juice with papaya

This soursop juice recipe is good for the immune system due to its ability to regulate the intestine, making the body better absorb nutrients. So, soursop juice can be used to complement the treatment of flu or colds, for example.

This juice, in addition to soursop, also has lemon and papaya, which are rich in antioxidants that enhance the strengthening of the immune system and protect the body's cells against damage caused by stress.


  • 1 graviola 2 lemons 1 large papaya

Method of preparation

Remove the peel and blend the ingredients in a blender. Add a teaspoon of honey if you prefer.

This juice is low in calories, having only about 180 calories and, therefore, it is also indicated for weight loss diets. Soursop can also be used for insomnia and high blood pressure. To learn more about the benefits of soursop see: Soursop benefits.

7. Green tea

Green tea is an excellent home remedy to strengthen the immune system because it is rich in flavonoids that stimulate the functioning of the immune system, making the body stronger against infections caused by viruses and bacteria.


  • 2 tablespoons of herbs or a sachet of green tea and 1 cup of water

Method of preparation

To prepare this home remedy add the herbs or sachet of green tea to the cup with boiling water and smother for approximately 5 minutes. Sweeten to your taste and drink at least 2 cups a day.

This home remedy is also excellent for those who want to lose weight and to reduce symptoms of fatigue.

8. Tomato juice

Tomato juice is rich in zinc, thus helping the body to fight viruses and bacteria and to reduce the likelihood of diseases such as flu, colds and pneumonia.


  • 2 carrots; 4 lettuce leaves; 2 tomatoes.

Method of preparation

To prepare this home remedy, first, all the ingredients must be washed, the ends of the carrots must be removed and the tomatoes cut in half so that their seeds are removed. Then add the ingredients to the centrifuge separately so that they are reduced to juice and mix the 3 juices in a glass.

Watch the following video and see other tips to strengthen your immune system:

8 Super recipes to strengthen the body