Home Bulls Jelqing technique: what it is, how it works and results

Jelqing technique: what it is, how it works and results


The Jelqing technique is a completely natural way to increase the size of the penis that can be done at home using only your hands, being, therefore, a more economical option to penis enlargement devices.

Although it is a very simple and painless technique, when done wrong it can cause lesions on the penis and, therefore, it is important to read the entire step-by-step before using.

How the technique works

This technique allows to increase the circulation of blood to the sexual organ, lengthening the body of the penis and increasing its capacity to receive blood. When receiving more blood, the penis gets bigger and thicker.

When the results appear

The first results can usually be noticed after 1 or 2 months of using the technique, being possible to identify an increase in size of up to 0.5 cm. However, over time, it may be possible to identify changes in penis size of up to 2 or 3 cm, for example.

Step-by-step instructions for doing the right technique

In order to perform the correct Jelqing technique and avoid injury to the penis, 3 different phases must be respected:

1. Heating phase

The first step is very important, as it guarantees the heating of the tissues of the body of the penis, reducing the risk of injuries during the remaining steps of the technique. Some ways to warm up include:

  • Take a hot bath; Put a hot compress or towel on the penis; Apply a hot water bottle.

After warming up, the penis should be placed at a medium level of erection to allow more blood to enter the body of the organ. The ideal level is that the penis is erect but not hard enough to penetrate, for example.

Then, a little lubricant can be applied before starting the next phase, in order to facilitate the movements of the technique and cause less discomfort.

2. Exercise phase

After doing the previous phase and reaching the correct level of erection, you can start the exercise phase, which includes:

  1. Hold the base of the penis, wrapping it with your index finger and thumb, in order to form the "ok" sign symbol, as shown in the image; Lightly squeeze the body of the penis with your fingers, without causing pain, but with enough force to trap blood in the body of the penis; Slowly slide your hand up to the base of the penis glans, without going through the head of the penis; Repeat the steps with the other hand, while continuing to hold the base of the glans with the first hand.

These steps must be repeated about 20 times, especially in men who are starting the technique.

3. Stretching phase

This phase helps to prevent the sensation of a painful penis and also to facilitate the healing of the body's organ tissue. For that, you should do small circular massages on the penis, using your thumb and forefinger, for approximately 1 to 2 minutes.

Finally, a hot compress can be placed on the penis for 2 to 5 minutes to facilitate blood circulation.

When to do the technique

The Jelqing technique should be performed, initially, between 2 to 3 times a week, but its frequency can be increased over time to 4 or 5 times a week.

Jelqing technique: what it is, how it works and results