Home Bulls Family constellation therapy: what it is, what it is for and how it is done

Family constellation therapy: what it is, what it is for and how it is done


The family constellation is a type of psychological therapy that aims to facilitate the cure of mental disorders, especially those that may be being stimulated by family dynamics and relationships, through the identification of stress factors and their treatment.

This is a technique that was developed by the German psychotherapist Bert Hellinger, a therapist specialized in family therapy who identified the presence of positive and negative energy in family bonds. Observing the patterns of these relationships, as well as the concerns and emotions that result from each type of relationship, Bert developed a non-invasive technique in order to enable the person to observe the world from different perspectives, freeing him from several stressful factors, which may be the cause of psychological disorders.

To perform this technique it is important to consult a therapist specialized in the use of the technique, as it has some specific rules and forms of operation, which need to be respected to present the expected results.

What is it for

According to the theory that underlies family constellation therapy, sessions can help to solve problems of family origin, relationship difficulties between parents and children, as well as challenges in intimate relationships.

Thus, the people who generally resort to the family constellation are those who:

  • They seek to solve family problems; They need to deal with negative relationship patterns; They want to overcome an internal turmoil; They have experienced significant trauma or loss.

In addition, family constellation therapy also seems to be a great tool for anyone looking to achieve a higher level of professional or personal success.

How therapy is done

In general, in this type of therapy, a group of people who do not know each other is used to replace and assume the role of some members of the family of the person who is seeking to find a solution to the difficulty or concern they present.

Then, the therapist encourages interaction with these "family members" and asks each individual to try to identify what emotions are behind the phrases and behaviors of the person seeking the solution. It is important, therefore, that none of the people representing the family know the person doing the therapy or the problem to be treated, as these factors should not influence the way emotions are interpreted.

During this time, the therapist stands outside the interaction and tries to assess all perspectives, then, together with the emotions reported by each person, show the person all the facts about their interaction with the "family", identifying points of greater stress, which need to be worked on.

Since it is a relatively complex therapy, the family constellation does not always bring immediate results, and several sessions may be necessary until the person begins to identify what needs to change in their interaction with some family members. From one session to the next, it is common for the therapist to change the roles of the different "family members" until he finds the organization / constellation that best helps the person to identify their obstacles.

Family constellation therapy: what it is, what it is for and how it is done