Home Home-Remedies Cotton tincture

Cotton tincture


Cotton tincture is an excellent home remedy to increase breast milk production, as it is an extract from the medicinal plant Gossypium Herbaceum, popularly known for increasing milk production.

It can be found at compounding or homeopathic pharmacies and you don't need a prescription to buy it.


  • 20 drops of cotton tinctureWater

How to use

Dilute the 20 drops of cotton tincture in a little water and drink 3 times a day, preferably outside of meal times to increase milk production. Dyes can be purchased from health food stores or can be prepared at home in a homemade way. Learn how in How to Make Dye for Home Treatments.

Cotton tincture or tea also helps fight postpartum hemorrhage.

In addition to cotton tincture, to increase milk production, it is recommended not to make much effort, as they increase energy expenditure, decreasing milk production and drinking at least 2 liters of water per day. A good way to achieve this is, each time the baby suckles, drink 2 glasses of water.

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Cotton tincture