Home Medicinal Plants How to use thyme in the kitchen

How to use thyme in the kitchen


Thyme, also known as poejo or thymus, is an aromatic herb that, in addition to being used in cooking to add flavor and aroma, also brings medicinal properties to its leaves, flowers and oil, which can be used to treat problems such as bronchitis and cough.

Its proven effects, when used alone or in combination with other herbs, are:

  • Fight bronchitis, improving symptoms such as cough and fever, also stimulating sputum; Relieve cough, as it contains properties that relax the throat muscles; Combat infections in the mouth and ear, through the use of its essential oil.

The scientific name for thyme is Thymus vulgaris and it can be purchased in its fresh or dehydrated form at health food stores, compounding pharmacies, street markets and markets. See other home remedies for cough, including for children.

How to use thyme to fight cough

The used parts of the thyme are its seeds, flowers, leaves and essential oil, in the form of seasoning, for immersion baths or in the form of tea for drinking, gargling or inhaling.

  • Infusion of thyme: Place 2 tablespoons of chopped leaves in a cup of boiling water and let stand for 10 minutes, before straining. Drink several times a day.

The use of essential oil should only be done externally on the skin, as its oral consumption should only be done according to medical advice.

How to plant at home

Thyme can be easily planted at home, withstanding variations in temperature and soil quality. Its planting should be done in a small pot with fertilizer, where the seeds are placed and lightly buried, and then covered with enough water to make the soil moist.

The soil should be watered every other day, adding just enough water for the soil to be slightly moist, and it is important that the plant receives at least 3 hours of sunlight per day. The seeds will germinate after about 1 to 3 weeks, and the plant will be well developed after 2 to 3 months of planting, and can be used as a seasoning in the kitchen or to produce teas.

Recipe of Chicken in the oven with Thyme


  • 1 lemon 1 whole chicken1 large onion cut into four parts1 coarsely chopped red onion4 cloves of garlic2 tablespoons of olive oilSalt and pepper to taste4 tablespoons of melted butter4 sprigs of fresh thyme

Method of preparation:

Grease a baking sheet with a little oil or butter and place the chicken. Make several holes in the lemon with a fork and place inside the chicken. Add the onions and garlic around the chicken, drizzle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Butter the chicken and cover with the thyme sprigs.

Bake in a preheated oven at 190ºC for 20 minutes. Increase the temperature to 200ºC and bake for another 30 minutes or until the skin of the chicken is red and its meat is cooked.

See more tips for using thyme in the following video:

Contraindications for thyme

Thyme is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in children under 6 years of age and a patient with heart failure, enterocolitis or in the post-surgical period, as it can delay blood clotting. It should be used with caution during menstruation, gastritis, ulcers, colitis, endometriosis, irritable bowel syndrome or in case of liver disease.

Learn how to make a watercress syrup to fight cough.

How to use thyme in the kitchen