Home Pregnancy How to relieve dizziness in pregnancy

How to relieve dizziness in pregnancy


Dizziness in pregnancy is a very common symptom that can appear from the first week of pregnancy and be recurrent throughout the pregnancy or happen only in the last months and is usually related to the decrease in blood pressure due to the weight of the uterus on the blood vessels.

In case of dizziness, it is important that the woman is calm and takes a deep breath until the discomfort subsides. It is also important to identify the cause of the dizziness and consult the doctor when the dizziness is frequent and accompanied by other symptoms, it is important to have blood tests, as it can be indicative of anemia, for example.

Causes of dizziness in pregnancy

Dizziness during pregnancy is common in the beginning or in the second trimester of pregnancy, and may be due to:

  • Long time without food; Get up too fast; Excess heat; Low iron food; Low pressure.

It is usually not necessary to go to the doctor when the woman feels dizzy from time to time, however when it is frequent or when other symptoms appear, such as blurred vision, headache or palpitations, it is important to go to the gynecologist, obstetrician or general practitioner so that the cause of the dizziness is identified and appropriate treatment is started.

What to do

As soon as she feels dizzy, the woman should sit down to avoid the risk of falling and injuring herself, taking a deep breath and trying to relax. If you are in an environment with many people, it is important to go to a slightly calmer place so that you can get some air.

In addition, to relieve the discomfort of dizziness, the woman can lie on the bed on the left side or lie on the bed and place a high pillow under her legs, for example.

How to avoid dizziness in pregnancy

Although it is difficult to prevent dizziness from recurring, it is possible to adopt some strategies that reduce this risk, including:

  • Get up slowly after lying or sitting for more than 15 minutes; Regularly exercise your legs during the day, especially while sitting; Wear tight and comfortable clothing;

In addition, another very important tip is to eat at least every 3 hours and drink about 2 liters of water a day. See what to eat to have a healthy pregnancy.

How to relieve dizziness in pregnancy