Home Symptoms Typhoid fever: how the treatment is done and signs of improvement and worsening

Typhoid fever: how the treatment is done and signs of improvement and worsening


Treatment for typhoid fever, an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Salmonella typhi , can be done with rest, antibiotics prescribed by the doctor, diet indicated by the nutritionist with a minimum of fat and calories and the intake of fluids such as water, natural juices and teas for hydrate the patient.

Hospitalization is usually necessary in severe cases of typhoid fever, so that the person receives antibiotics and saline directly from the vein.

How the treatment is done

The treatment of typhoid fever is done on an outpatient basis, that is, with the use of antibiotics and hydration. The antibiotic most frequently recommended by the physician is Chloramphenicol, which should be used as directed by the physician. However, in some cases the doctor may recommend the use of Ceftriaxone or Ciprofloxacino, for example, when the patient's condition is severe or when the bacteria is resistant to other antibiotics.

In addition, it is recommended that the person stay at rest and have a low-fat diet and foods that hold the intestine. In more severe cases, treatment should be done at the hospital and consists of administering the antibiotic directly into the vein.

Usually after the 5th day of treatment with antibiotics, the person no longer shows the symptoms of the disease, however it is important that the treatment is continued according to the doctor's guidance, since the bacteria can remain in the body for about 4 months without cause symptom, for example.

Possible complications of typhoid fever

When typhoid fever is not treated immediately or when treatment is not done according to the doctor's recommendation, some complications may arise, such as abdominal bleeding, perforation in the intestine, generalized infection, coma and death.

Therefore, it is important that the treatment is carried out correctly even if the symptoms disappear.

Signs of improvement and worsening of Typhoid Fever

Signs of improvement in typhoid fever include decreased headaches and stomach pain, reduced episodes of vomiting, decreased or disappeared fever, and disappearance of reddish spots on the skin. Usually, the improvement of symptoms usually happens around the 4th week after being infected with the bacteria.

The signs of worsening of typhoid fever are related to the worsening of symptoms, such as an increase in fever, the appearance of more red spots on the skin, in addition to those that already existed, an increase in headache and belly pain, as well as episodes of vomiting and coughing fits, which may be accompanied by blood, increased swelling in the belly, which may become stiff and blood in the stool, which may indicate that the treatment is not being performed correctly or that it is not being effective.

Prevention of Typhoid Fever

Typhoid fever recommendations, which should be followed to prevent typhoid fever and also during treatment, include:

  • Wash your hands before and after using the bathroom, before meals and preparing food; Boil or filter the water before drinking it; Do not consume undercooked or raw food; Prefer cooked food; Avoid eating outside the home; Avoid go to places with poor sanitary and hygiene conditions; do not let the child accept food from strangers or drink water from school drinking fountains; warn and do not let the child put objects in their mouth because they may be contaminated; separate a bottle with mineral water or boiled water or filtered only for the child.

It is very important that the person has this care, as typhoid fever can be transmitted by eating food or water contaminated with feces or urine from the sick person or the person who, despite having no symptoms, is still infected with the bacteria.

If the individual is going to travel to a region where the risk of becoming infected is great, the typhoid vaccine is the best way to prevent the disease. Learn more about typhoid fever and its vaccine.

Typhoid fever: how the treatment is done and signs of improvement and worsening