Home Pregnancy Treatment for urinary tract infection in pregnancy

Treatment for urinary tract infection in pregnancy


Treatment for urinary tract infection in pregnancy is usually done with antibiotics such as Cephalexin or Ampicillin, for example, prescribed by the obstetrician, for about 7 to 14 days, after the doctor makes the diagnosis through urinalysis.

The use of antibiotics to treat urinary tract infection during pregnancy should only be done under medical guidance, as not all antibiotics can be used, as they may harm the baby.

Thus, the most suitable remedies for the treatment of urinary tract infection in pregnancy, in addition to Cephalexin or Ampicillin, include:

  • Amoxicillin; Ceftriaxone; Ceftazidime; Nitrofurantoin; Macrodantin.

It is important to carry out treatment for urinary tract infection in pregnancy, even if it does not generate symptoms, because when untreated, it can cause kidney problems, premature birth or spontaneous abortion, for example.

Home treatment for urinary tract infection in pregnancy

To complement the treatment prescribed by the doctor, one can also take cranberry juice, as it has an antiseptic and astringent action. To learn how to make the juice see: Natural remedy for urinary tract infection.

See how food can help you heal faster.

During treatment for urinary tract infection in pregnancy, it is also important to take some precautions such as:

  • Drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water, coconut water, natural juices or teas a day. See which teas the pregnant woman cannot take; Wash her hands before and after using the bathroom; Urinate after having sex; Clean the intimate area from front to back.

These precautions help to shorten the time of urinary infection and prevent the appearance of new urinary infections.

Signs of improvement

Signs of improvement in urinary tract infection in pregnancy include decreased pain or burning urination, as well as an urgent need to urinate.

Signs of worsening

Signs of worsening of urinary tract infection in pregnancy arise when treatment is not done and include increased pain and burning urination, increased frequency and urgency to urinate, cloudy urine and the appearance of blood in the urine.

If these signs appear, the doctor should be consulted to adapt the treatment, preventing complications.

See also: Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract infection in pregnancy

Treatment for urinary tract infection in pregnancy