The geographical language is an alteration that causes the appearance of red, smooth and irregular spots on the tongue, forming an image that looks like a geographical map. This alteration has no cure, as it is not a disease, but a characteristic that is usually more common within the same family.
Although the geographical language is a harmless alteration that does not need treatment, in some cases, it can cause pain, burning and discomfort, especially after consuming hot, acidic or salty foods. In such cases, it is recommended to consult a dentist to start treatment, which may include:
- Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Paracetamol or Ibuprofen: help to relieve pain during crises that may arise after eating more spicy foods; Mouthwash or anesthetic ointments, such as Lidocaine: quickly relieve pain and burning on the tongue; Corticosteroid medications, such as Prednisolone: help to relieve inflammation and pain on the tongue, especially when pain killers do not work.
This treatment only helps to relieve symptoms, not healing the geographical tongue. That way, symptoms can come back whenever the tongue tissue is irritated due to the type of food, for example.
Home treatment to avoid symptoms
Since there is no definitive treatment for this alteration of the tongue, it is advised that people who have a geographical tongue with frequent symptoms, follow a home treatment that consists of avoiding foods that can damage the tongue tissue. This includes very hot, spicy, very spicy or salty foods, for example.
In addition, you should also avoid smoking and do not use toothpaste that contains chemicals, such as whitening substances, or with very intense flavors.
Why the geographic language arises
The geographical tongue appears when the taste buds of some areas of the tongue begin to disappear, forming small red and irregular spots. However, the specific causes that lead to the disappearance of the papillae are not yet known.
Some of the factors that seem to be related to this change, and increase the chances of developing it, include the existence of other cases in the family and the presence of psoriasis in the body.
Although the stains are caused by the disappearance of some taste buds, the taste of the food is not altered.