- The importance of the family in the treatment of Asperger's Syndrome
- What to do to help a child with Asperger's Syndrome
Treatment for Asperger's Syndrome consists of psychotherapy sessions 1 to 2 times a week, with the aim of teaching the patient to interact with others, avoiding isolation.
Treatment should begin shortly after diagnosis, which usually occurs between 4 and 14 years of age, although some cases are identified later in adulthood.
Patients with Asperger's Syndrome are generally intelligent, but have a very logical and non-emotional thought, and therefore have a very difficult time relating to others, but when a relationship of trust is established with the child, the therapist can discuss and understand the reason for some "strange" behaviors helping to identify the most appropriate strategy for each case.
The importance of the family in the treatment of Asperger's Syndrome
The family must know what strategy the therapist is using to shape the child's behavior, in order to complement the treatment at home. Therefore, after each psychotherapy session, parents can ask the psychologist for guidance on how to act and how to correct the child in certain situations.
What to do to help a child with Asperger's Syndrome
Some examples of what parents and teachers can do to help help a child or adolescent with Asperger's Syndrome are:
- Give simple, short and clear orders to the child. For example: "Keep the puzzle in the box after playing" and not: "Keep your toys after playing"; Ask the child why they are acting at the time of action; Explain clearly and calm that the "strange" attitude, like saying a bad word or throwing something at another person, is unpleasant or is not acceptable by others, so that the child does not repeat the mistake; avoid judging the child by the behaviors he has, avoiding calling him badly educated or stupid, for example.
In addition, the therapist may prescribe antidepressants, such as Nortriptyline or Sertraline, which help to decrease the symptoms of Asperger's Syndrome and facilitate psychotherapy.
In most cases, children with Asperger's Syndrome exhibit strange behaviors, such as making noises while studying or hitting the table while eating, or improper behaviors, such as throwing bullet papers on the floor while eating, however, these behaviors are not on purpose and the child has no idea that he is being rude or bothering someone.
Normally, children with Asperger's Syndrome are unable to focus their attention on more than one activity at the same time, and when it comes to feelings, the child, although he knows he is happy, is unable to understand that the other person may be sad. She does not "see" the feelings of others, and may give the impression that she does not care about her parents, siblings or friends.