Treatment for Fournier's syndrome should be started as soon as possible after diagnosis of the disease and is usually done by a urologist in the case of men or a gynecologist in the case of women.
Fournier's syndrome is a rare disease, caused by a bacterial infection that causes the death of tissues in the intimate region. Learn more about Fournier Syndrome.
Remedies for Fournier's Syndrome
The urologist or gynecologist usually recommends the use of antibiotics in order to eliminate the bacteria responsible for the syndrome, such as:
- Vancomycin; Ampicillin; Penicillin; Amoxicillin; Metronidazole; Clindamycin; Cephalosporin.
These antibiotics can be used orally or injected into the vein, as well as alone or in combination, depending on the severity of the disease.
Surgery for Fournier's Syndrome
In addition to drug treatment for Fournier's Syndrome, surgeries are also used to remove dead tissue, in order to stop the development of the disease for other tissues.
In case of involvement of the intestine or urinary system, it may be necessary to attach one of these organs to the skin, using a bag to collect feces or urine.
In the case of Fournier syndrome affecting the testicles, it may be necessary to remove them and, therefore, some patients may need psychological support to deal with the bodily changes caused by the disease.
How the diagnosis is made
The diagnosis of Fournier's Syndrome is made from the analysis of the symptoms presented by the person and the intimate region, in which the extent of the lesion is observed.
In addition, the doctor requests a microbiological examination of the region to verify which bacteria are responsible for the disease and, thus, the best antibiotic can be indicated.