Treatment for the presence of blood in the stool will depend on what caused the problem. Bright red blood, in general, is caused by an anal fissure, due to the increased effort to evacuate, and its treatment is relatively simple. In case of dark red blood, the treatment should be done taking into account other factors.
Treatment for live red blood in stools
Treatment for bright red blood in the stool consists of:
- Eat properly, investing in high fiber foods such as papaya, natural orange juice, natural or probiotic yogurt, broccoli, beans, flaxseed, sesame and plum seeds. Drink at least 1.5 liters of water or other liquids per day; Exercise daily, at least 25 minutes in a row; Do not force the time to evacuate, but respect the rhythm of the organism, and, when you feel like it, go to the bathroom immediately.
A great complement to this treatment is Benefiber, a fiber-based food supplement that can be diluted in any liquid drink, without changing its flavor.
Treatment for dark red blood in stools
If the blood in the stool is darker, or if blood is hidden in the stool, treatment will focus on treating the bleeding focus. An endoscopy and colonoscopy should be performed to check the location of the wound. The most common sites are the stomach and duodenum, although this blood can also be caused by intestinal endometriosis.
When it comes to a wound inside the digestive tract, you can:
- Adopt a healthier diet; Avoid consumption of acidic, fatty, carbonated and industrialized foods; Take antacid medications, for example.
In case of endometriosis, it will be necessary to use hormonal medications and in the most severe cases, surgery.