- How is the recovery of the baby with transposition of the great arteries
- How is the surgery for transposition of the great arteries
The treatment for transposition of the great arteries, which is when the baby is born with the arteries of the heart inverted, is not done during pregnancy, so after the baby is born, it is necessary to have surgery to correct the defect.
However, to ensure that the newborn has better conditions to be operated, the doctor uses an injection of prostaglandin or inserts a catheter into the baby's heart to increase its oxygenation until it can be operated, which usually occurs between 7 days and the 1st month of life.
This malformation is not hereditary and is usually identified by the obstetrician during prenatal care during an ultrasound scan. However, it can also be diagnosed after birth, when the baby is born with a bluish tinge, which can indicate problems with blood oxygenation.
How is the recovery of the baby with transposition of the great arteries
After the surgery, which lasts about 8 hours, the baby has to stay in the hospital between 1 and 2 months, to fully recover from the operation.
Despite this, the baby will be monitored throughout life by a cardiologist, who should advise on the type of physical activity the child can do to avoid overloading the heart and assessing cardiac functioning during growth.
How is the surgery for transposition of the great arteries
The surgery for transposition of the great arteries is based on the inversion of the position of the aorta and the pulmonary artery, placing them in the correct position, so that the blood that passes through the lung and is oxygenated is distributed throughout the baby's body, allowing the brain and all vital organs receive oxygen and the baby survives.
Surgery to correct this cardiac defect with which the baby was born is done under general anesthesia and blood circulation is maintained by a machine that replaces the function of the heart during surgery.
Surgery to reposition the great arteries leaves no sequels and the baby's growth and development is unaffected, allowing him to lead a normal life like any other child. So, learn some techniques to stimulate the baby's development in: How to stimulate the baby.