- 1. Anticoagulant remedies
- 2. Thrombolytic remedies
- 3. Thrombosis surgery
- Signs of improvement of thrombosis
- Signs of worsening thrombosis
Venous thrombosis is the obstruction of blood flow in the veins by a clot, or thrombus, and its treatment should be started as soon as possible to prevent the clot from increasing in size or moving to the lungs or brain, causing pulmonary embolism or Stroke.
Thrombosis is curable, and its treatment is guided by the general practitioner or vascular surgeon after identifying the symptoms and confirming the diagnosis, and can be done with anticoagulant drugs, in the mildest cases, or with thrombolytics and / or surgery, in the most severe cases. serious. To understand more details about what it is and what the symptoms of thrombosis are, check out how to identify thrombosis.
In addition, after the acute phase has passed, the doctor can guide the use of elastic compression stockings and the practice of light physical exercise, such as walking or swimming, to facilitate blood circulation and prevent the problem from recurring..
Treatment options for thrombosis depend on the symptoms and the severity of the case, which may include:
1. Anticoagulant remedies
Anticoagulants, such as Heparin or Warfarin, are the first treatment option for deep vein thrombosis, since they decrease the blood's ability to clot, diluting the clot and preventing new clots from forming in other parts of the body.
Usually, in the case of thrombosis in the legs or arms, treatment with anticoagulants is done with pills and lasts for about 3 months, and can be maintained for a longer time if the clot is too large, takes too long to dilute or if there is any disease that facilitates the clots formation.
There are several types of anticoagulants, which can be:
- Injectables, such as Heparin, which has a faster action and is done in combination with the oral Warfarin tablet, until coagulation tests, such as INR and TPAE, show that the blood is in fact in the anticoagulation range. After reaching this goal (INR between 2.5 and 3.5), the injectable is suspended, leaving only the oral tablet. In tablet, with modern medicines, such as Rivaroxabana, which are able to replace Warfarin and do not need correction by INR. These do not need to be started with injectables. However, care must be taken in the presence of some factors such as kidney disease, age, weight and are still expensive.
To better understand how these remedies work, check out commonly used anticoagulants and what they are for. In addition, during treatment with anticoagulants, the patient should have blood tests regularly to assess the thickness of the blood and to avoid complications, such as bleeding or anemia, for example.
2. Thrombolytic remedies
Thrombolytics, such as streptokinase or alteplase, for example, are used in cases where only anticoagulants are unable to treat deep vein thrombosis or when the patient develops serious complications, such as extensive pulmonary embolism.
Generally, treatment with thrombolytics lasts about 7 days, during which time the patient must be admitted to the hospital to take injections directly into the vein and to avoid efforts that may cause hemorrhage.
3. Thrombosis surgery
Surgery is used in the most severe cases of deep vein thrombosis or when it is not possible to dilute the clot with the use of anticoagulants or thrombolytics.
The surgery for deep vein thrombosis serves to remove the clot from the legs or to put a filter in the inferior vena cava, preventing the passage of the clot to the lungs.
Signs of improvement of thrombosis
Signs of improvement in thrombosis appear a few days after starting treatment and include a decrease in redness and pain. Swelling in the leg may take a few weeks to reduce, and may be greater at the end of the day.
Signs of worsening thrombosis
The signs of worsening thrombosis are mainly related to the movement of the clot from the legs to the lungs and may include sudden difficulty in breathing, chest pain, dizziness, fainting or coughing up blood.
When the patient shows these signs of worsening, one should immediately go to the hospital or call for medical help by calling 192.
See how to complement the treatment with a home remedy for thrombosis.