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Home treatments for diarrhea


The home treatment for diarrhea can be done by taking teas that help to rebalance intestinal function, such as the leaves of cherry tree, banana with carob or mint and raspberry tea.

See how to prepare each recipe.

Pitangueira leaf tea

Pitangueira, scientific name Eugenia uniflora , has purifying and digestive properties that fight diarrhea, in addition to helping treat liver infections.


  • 1 tablespoon of leaves of pitangueira150 ml of water

Method of preparation

Boil the water and then add the cherry leaves. The container should be smothered for a few minutes.

You should take 1 tablespoon of this tea whenever you go to the bathroom, but be careful not to ingest more than 10 doses of this tea throughout the day.

What to eat during diarrhea

Watch the following video to learn how to eat during this period:

Banana porridge with carob


  • a whole banana (of any kind) 150 gr2 tablespoons of powdered carob seed

Method of preparation:

Smash the raw banana with a fork and when it is well mashed add 2 tablespoons of carob flour.

This recipe should be repeated every day in the morning and before going to sleep for as long as the diarrhea persists.

Mint and raspberry tea


  • 3 teaspoons of mint (peppermint); 2 teaspoons of raspberry; 2 teaspoons of catnip.

Method of preparation:

Place the catnip tea, the dried peppermint and the raspberry leaves in a teapot, cover with half a liter of boiling water and let it rest for 15 minutes. Then strain and drink still warm. This infusion should be drunk 3 times a day, while there is still diarrhea.

It is important to find out what caused the diarrhea before taking any medication to fight it as this is a natural defense of the body and if the individual holds the intestine, the virus or bacteria that causes the disease can be trapped in the body and cause more serious problems.

It is not recommended to take any medicine to trap the intestine in the first 3 days of diarrhea so that the microorganism that causes it can be eliminated by diarrhea. During this period, what you can do is drink coconut water and drink plenty of water or homemade whey to avoid dehydration.

Home treatments for diarrhea