To eliminate wrinkles from the face, neck and neck, there are options such as anti-wrinkle creams and aesthetic treatments that achieve excellent results. Some examples of treatments against wrinkles and expression lines are Laser, Intense Pulsed Light and Radiofrequency that promote the production of cells that provide firmness and support to the skin.
Anti-wrinkle treatment can be started from 25 years old, with creams and daily care, and aesthetic treatments can be started from 30-35 years old when it is noticed that the skin is more flabby. A thorough evaluation can indicate which protocol can be used to maintain the firmness of the skin, completely eliminating wrinkles and expression lines, but here are some options.
Treatment for fine wrinkles or fine lines
Fine lines and wrinkles, but which is maintained by frowning, or being angry, can be combated with treatments such as:
- Radiofrequency: Aesthetic device that increases the production of new collagen and elastin cells, which support the skin; Anti-wrinkle cream: Use daily twice a day, morning and night. The cream must contain the right ingredients such as peptides, growth factors, antioxidants, retinol, DMAE and sunscreen; Micro needling: Application of a small device with small needles that make small holes in the skin, increasing the penetration of cosmetics; Manual therapy techniques: To mobilize facial tissues with strengthening, stretching and mobilization of facial muscles.
The microneedling can be done at home, with small devices with needles maximum 0.5 mm deep, about once a week or every 15 days. The anti-wrinkle cream should be used daily and the radio frequency sessions can be held on a monthly basis.
However, other treatments can be indicated according to individual needs.
Deep wrinkle treatments
The treatment for deep wrinkles, which remains marked even when stretching the skin, can be done with:
- Peeling with acids: The acids used can be chosen according to the needs of each person, but glycolic or retinoic acid can be indicated, which leads to the exfoliation of the skin layers, promoting a new tissue, free of spots and wrinkles; HeNe Laser: It consists of applying the laser in several shots to the face, not overlapping, and as it can cause some discomfort an anesthetic can be used before the sessions; Radiofrequency: which promotes new collagen and elastin cells, essential for the firmness of the skin; Filling with hyaluronic acid: in the doctor's office you can apply some injections on the face of hyaluronic acid in the form of a gel, indicated to fill wrinkles, ridges and expression lines of the face; Platelet-rich plasma: in the doctor's office, injections can also be made with platelet-rich plasma that induces the synthesis of collagen and other components of the extracellular matrix through the activation of fibroblasts, thus leading to skin rejuvenation.
Ultimately, plastic surgery, such as a facelift for when the person has many deep wrinkles and needs an immediate result. However, dermato functional physiotherapy sessions are useful both immediately before and after the procedure, harmonizing the face and improving the results of the surgery.
How to reduce wrinkles at home
In addition to the treatments indicated above, to complement at home, it is recommended to maintain good skin hydration of the entire body, but especially the face. So you need to drink about 2 liters of water a day, use liquid soaps because they do not dry out your skin, and:
- Wash your face with mineral water, micellar water or thermal water, because they have no chlorine, known to dry the skin; Eat foods rich in collagen daily, such as red meat, chicken leg and gelatin; Take a hydrolyzed collagen supplement daily, which helps maintain skin support; Always use an anti-aging cream on the face with sun protection factor; Do facial gymnastics stretching the important muscles that make the opposite effect of wrinkles; Wear a quality hat and sunglasses whenever is exposed to the sun or light to prevent the muscles around the eyes and forehead from contracting, preventing the formation of wrinkles in these regions.
The secret to keeping your skin beautiful, firm and hydrated is also to have a healthy life, eating well and taking care of the skin externally with the most suitable products for each skin type, but other factors that also contribute are not smoking, because the Cigarette smoke is harmful to health and also causes damage to the skin, favoring the formation of wrinkles in the upper part of the mouth, popularly known as 'barcode'.