- Travoprost indications
- Price of Travoprosta
- Side Effects of Travoprost
- Contraindications for Travoprost
- Travoprosta Directions for Use
Travoprost is the active substance in an anti-glaucoma drug known commercially as Travatan.
This ophthalmic medicine is indicated for the treatment of glaucoma and to decrease intraocular pressure. Travoprost is absorbed by the cornea and is believed to decrease intraocular pressure by increasing the flow of aqueous humor from the eye.
Travoprost indications
Intraocular hypertension; open-angle glaucoma.
Price of Travoprosta
The 0.04 mg bottle of Travoprosta 2.5 ml costs approximately 91 reais.
Side Effects of Travoprost
Decreased vision, eye discomfort, pain; foreign body sensation, itching, redness in the eyes (in 35 to 50% of patients).
Contraindications for Travoprost
Pregnancy Risk C, women in the lactation phase, wearing contact lenses, hypersensitivity to the product or benzalkonium chloride.
Travoprosta Directions for Use
Ophthalmic Use
- 1 drop in the affected eye in a single daily dose at night. It is important not to exceed once a day, as application more often can decrease the effect of reducing intraocular pressure. The reduction in intraocular pressure starts approximately 2 hours after application and the maximum effect is reached after 12 hours.
Attention: If the product is used together with other drugs to lower intraocular pressure, observe at least a 5-minute interval between applications.