Trazodone is a drug indicated for the treatment of depression, anxiety, major depression or chronic or neurogenic pain, such as those that appear in diabetic neuropathy, for example.
In addition, it acts on the brain by increasing the concentration of Serotonin, a hormone responsible for regulating mood, thus helping to reduce symptoms related to depression.
The price of Trazodone varies between 65 and 75 reais, and can be purchased at pharmacies or online stores, requiring a prescription.
How to take
Trazodone tablets should be swallowed whole, without breaking or chewing and recommended doses should be indicated by the doctor and differ between adults and the elderly.
Doses between 50 and 150 mg are recommended, which should be taken twice a day, every 12 hours.
Doses of 75 mg per day are recommended, according to the instructions given by the doctor.
Side effects
Some of the side effects of Trazodone can include dizziness, nausea, dry mouth, drowsiness and unpleasant taste in the mouth.
Trazodone is contraindicated for pregnant or breastfeeding women, patients with heart, kidney or liver problems and for patients with allergies to Trazodone or other components of the formula.