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What to do for running 5 and 10 km


Starting the race by running short distances is important for the body to adapt to the new pace and gain resistance without becoming overloaded and without suffering injuries, and it is also important to do resistance training to strengthen the muscles, such as weight training.

Thus, the ideal is to start with light walks that alternate accelerated walks or prank calls, always remembering to warm up and stretch the whole body well before starting the training, as this prepares the muscles and tendons to resist physical activity.

A care that we should take when starting a running job is with repetitive strain injuries, so it is extremely important to work on strengthening the thighs, core and upper limbs, which in addition to strengthening the joints will increase the mass muscle and thereby reduce unwanted sagging

Run 5 km in 5 weeks

The following table shows how training should evolve to run 5 km.

Monday Fourth Friday
Week 1 15 min walk + 10 min trot + 5 min walk Repeat 8 times: 5 min walk + 2 min light run + 2 min walk Repeat 5 times: 10 min walk + 5 min trot + 2 min walk
Week 2 5 min light run + 5 repetitions of: 5 min light run + 1 min walk 10 min light run + 5 repetitions of: 3 min moderate run + 1 min walk 5 min walk + 20 min light run
Week 3 5 min light walk + 25 min light run 5 min walk + 5 repetitions: 1 min moderate run + 2 min light run; Finish with 15 min trot 10 min walk + 30 min moderate running
Week 4 5 min light run + 30 min moderate run 10 min light run + 4 repetitions of: 2 min strong run + 3 min light run; Finish with 15 min trot 5 min walk + 30 min moderate running
Week 5 5 min jogging + 30 min moderate running 10 min trot + 6 repetitions of: 3 min strong run + 2 min light run; Finish with 5 min walk Run 5 km

It is normal at the beginning of training to feel pain in the side of the abdomen, also known as donkey pain or fagot pain, as it appears due to the lack of resistance of the body and the lack of rhythm in breathing. See how to maintain correct breathing here.

Run 10 km in 5 weeks

To start training to run 10 km, it is important to do at least 30 minutes of running 3 to 4 times a week, as the body is already more resistant and the muscles are stronger to resist injuries.

Monday Fourth Friday
Week 1 10 min trot + 4 repetitions of: 3 min moderate walk + 2 min light walk; Finish with 10 min trot 10 min trot + 4 repetitions of: 7 min moderate walk + 3 min light walk; Finish with 10 min trot 10 min trot + 4 repetitions of: 7 min moderate walk + 3 min light walk; Finish with 10 min trot
Week 2 10 min trot + 3 repetitions of: 5 min moderate walk + 2 min light walk; Finish with 10 min trot 10 min trot + 3 repetitions of: 10 min light run + 3 min light walk; End with: 10 min trot 10 min trot + 2 repetitions of: 25 min light run + 3 min walk
Week 3 10 min trot + 3 repetitions of: 10 min moderate walk + 2 min light walk; Finish with 10 min trot 10 min trot + 2 repetitions of: 12 min light run + 2 min light walk 2 repetitions of: 30 min light run + 3 min walk
Week 4 10 min trot + 4 repetitions of: 10 min moderate walk + 2 min light walk; Finish with 10 min trot 10 min trot + 2 repetitions of: 12 min moderate walk + 2 min light walk 50 min light run
Week 5 10 min trot + 5 repetitions of: 3 min moderate walk + 2 min light walk; Finish with 10 min trot 30/40 min light run Run 10 km

Even if tiredness does not appear and the activity does not wear out the body, it is important to respect the pace of training to avoid injury to the muscles and knees, as the progressive increase in pace strengthens and increases the body's resistance.

If you have already achieved your goal, see now how to prepare to run 15 km here.

How to speed up resistance gain

To accelerate the gain in strength and endurance, it is necessary to include increases in the training course, and to improve physical conditioning and accelerate the recovery of muscles, it is important to alternate periods of light running during physical activity.

In addition, switching between running and walking also works to activate calorie burning and help with weight loss. Here's how to do the workout to burn fat.

How to choose the right shoes

To choose the right running shoes it is important to know the type of stride you have. If the foot touches the ground in a straight way, the stride is neutral, but if the foot touches the ground more with the inside, the stride is pronounced, and if it is with the outside, the stride is supinated.

There are specific sneakers for each type of stride, as they help to readjust the position of the foot, besides it is important to assess the weight of the sneakers, the comfort and whether or not it is waterproof, especially for people who usually run in humid environments or in rain. See how to know the type of stride to choose the best shoes here.

If you feel pain and discomfort during training, see the 6 main causes of pain in running.

Watch Tatiana Zanin's tips for a recipe for a great homemade isotonic to boost your workout:

What to do for running 5 and 10 km