Home Bulls Triaton vit

Triaton vit


Triaton Vit is a food supplement indicated for individuals who do not eat properly and suffer from a lack of nutrients in the body.

This supplement for oral use, contains in its formula vitamins and minerals that complete what is lacking in the diet, helping to reach the minimum recommended levels of these substances in the body. The use of Triaton Vit prevents problems such as depression, irritability, lack of concentration and energy, all of them a consequence of the lack of nutrients in the body.

Indications of Triaton Vit

Lack of vitamins and minerals in the body.

Triaton Vit Price

A bottle of Triaton Vit containing 100 pills costs approximately 106 reais.

Side effects of Triaton Vit

No side effects were found.

Contraindications for Triaton Vit

Pregnant or lactating women; children under 3 years old; Hipersensibility to any of the formula's components.

How to use Triaton Vit

Oral use


  • Take one Triaton Vit tablet daily.
Triaton vit