Home Bulls Triptorelin



Triptorelin is an antineoplastic medication that has Neo Decapeptyl as its active substance.

This injectable drug is indicated for the treatment of prostate cancer, since its action stimulates the production of hormones and reduces the production of testosterone, thus improving the clinical condition of the patient with this type of cancer.

Triptorelin Indications

Prostate cancer.

Triptorelin Price

A 3, 75 mg tryptorelin vial can cost approximately 700 reais, while a 11, 25 mg vial costs approximately 1, 850 reais.

Side effects of triptorelin

Heat waves; anemia; increased blood glucose; increased urea; skeletal pain; pain at the injection site; impotence; loss of libido; transient hypertension; fever; loss of hair; cold sweat; early puberty; night sweats; lack of appetite.

Contraindications for Triptorelin

Pregnancy risk X; lactating women; Hipersensibility to any of the formula's components.

How to use Triptorelin

Injectable use


  • Inject 3.25 mg of Triptorelin via intramuscularly, once a day.