- Indications of Tropicamide
- Tropicamide price
- Side Effects of Tropicamide
- Contraindications for Tropicamide
- How to use Tropicamide
Tropicamide is an active substance in a diagnostic aid known commercially as Ciclomidrin.
This medication for ophthalmic use is indicated to produce mydriasis and cyclopega, since it blocks the responses of the iris and causes dilation of the pupil.
Indications of Tropicamide
Mydriasis (to produce); cyclopega (to produce).
Tropicamide price
A 5 ml bottle costs approximately 12 reais.
Side Effects of Tropicamide
Sensitivity to light; sensation of needles in the eyes (transient); blurred vision.
Contraindications for Tropicamide
Pregnancy Risk C; breast-feeding; hypersensitivity to belladonna alkaloids or to any of the formula's components; patients with closed-angle glaucoma.
How to use Tropicamide
Ophthalmic Use
- Refraction: Drop 1 or 2 drops of the 1% solution into the conjunctival sac of each eye. After 5 minutes, repeat the dose. For fundus examination: Drop 1 or 2 drops of the 5% solution, 15 to 20 minutes before the examination. Patients with marked iris pigmentation may need higher doses of the product.
- They may be more prone to the adverse effects of the product. Also beware of the predisposition of the elderly to closed-angle glaucoma.