Home Pregnancy Excessive vitamin C in pregnancy can cause premature birth

Excessive vitamin C in pregnancy can cause premature birth


The use of vitamin C and E supplements is not recommended in high-risk pregnancies, when the pregnant woman has problems such as pre-eclampsia, high blood pressure, kidney problems, diabetes and clotting difficulties.

This is because the excessive use of these supplements is linked to an increased risk of developing pre-eclampsia with more severe symptoms, premature birth and low birth weight, in addition to causing gastric discomfort, pain and increased nausea in women. See which vitamins are recommended for pregnant women.

Harm of Vitamin C

Excessive use of vitamin C supplements can cause problems in pregnancy such as increased risk of premature birth and the birth of babies with scurvy, a disease resulting from vitamin C deficiency in the body.

Harm of Vitamin E

The excess of vitamin E during pregnancy favors the appearance of changes in the pregnant woman's immune system, causing her body to attack the baby as a foreign body, instead of protecting it.

It can also cause changes in the placenta, causing the baby to receive less nutrients and be born with a less than ideal weight. In addition, these babies are believed to be more likely to develop diseases in the future such as asthma and eczema.

How to use supplements safely

Supplements during pregnancy should only be used according to the advice of the doctor or nutritionist, it is important to follow the recommended doses and the frequency of use of the supplement.

Specific supplements for pregnancy have adequate amounts of nutrients, and it is not necessary to use more supplementation to obtain greater benefits, as the excess of vitamins and minerals can also be dangerous for the body.

In addition, eating a balanced diet, rich in fruits and vegetables, already brings the necessary nutrients for a healthy pregnancy, and vitamins C and E can easily be found in foods such as orange, tangerine, pineapple, kiwi, sunflower seed and peanuts..

See where to find vitamin C and vitamin E in foods to consume them naturally and without health risks.

Excessive vitamin C in pregnancy can cause premature birth