Home Pregnancy Varicose veins in pregnancy: symptoms, how to treat and how to avoid

Varicose veins in pregnancy: symptoms, how to treat and how to avoid


Varicose veins in pregnancy tend to appear more frequently in the last 3 months of pregnancy, due to the increase in the volume of blood circulating in the body, the increase in weight, hormonal changes and the pressure of the uterus on the veins.

During this period, varicose veins appear more frequently on the legs, since the weight of the baby on the belly makes it difficult for blood to circulate properly, with a feeling of heaviness in the leg and swelling. In addition to the legs, varicose veins can also appear in the groin, intimate region and in the uterus, however this situation is less frequent.

Symptoms of varicose veins in pregnancy

The main symptoms of varicose veins in pregnancy are:

  • Pain in the legs or groins; Feeling of heaviness in the legs; Legs more swollen at the end of the day, Itching at the site of the varicose veins; Alteration of the sensitivity of the leg.

If the legs become very swollen, red and hotter, it is important that the woman seek an angiologist to make the diagnosis and start the appropriate treatment, as it can be phlebitis, which is a serious condition that corresponds to the presence of a clot blood flow inside the vein, preventing blood flow. Understand what phlebitis is, symptoms and treatment.

How treatment should be

The treatment for varicose veins in pregnancy can be done with alternating application of hot and cold water over the site, during the bath. In addition, to take care of the legs with varicose veins, the pregnant woman can place an ice bag on her legs, as it helps to contract the veins and reduce the pain. In some cases, the doctor may also recommend the use of compression stockings, to prevent the appearance of varicose veins and assist in blood circulation.

Usually varicose veins in pregnancy disappear after pregnancy, however, if there is permanent damage, after pregnancy the woman can undergo laser treatment or surgery to remove the varicose veins. Check the treatment options for varicose veins.

How to prevent varicose veins in pregnancy

Varicose veins in pregnancy appear mainly due to hormonal changes, however it is possible to prevent their appearance by adopting some precautions, such as:

  • Do not stand for a long time; Avoid crossing your legs when sitting; Raising your legs while sleeping; Massage your feet and legs at the end of the day; Wear elastic stockings during the day.

In addition, it is important that women exercise regularly under the guidance of a physical education professional to increase the resistance of the veins and prevent them from dilating.

Varicose veins in pregnancy: symptoms, how to treat and how to avoid