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Tomato seed: myths and truths


The tomato is generally considered by people to be a vegetable, however it is a fruit, as it has seeds. Some of the benefits of consuming tomatoes are to decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease, prevent prostate cancer, increase the body's defenses and take care of skin, hair and vision.

These benefits are attributed to the fact that tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, potassium and folate, in addition to being the main source of lycopene, an antioxidant with anti-cancer properties. Despite this, there are many doubts about whether the consumption of seeds may pose any risk to health, so some myths and truths about this fruit are indicated below.

1. Cause kidney stones

IT DEPENDS. Tomatoes are rich in oxalate, which could increase the risk of calcium oxalate stones in the kidneys. This type of kidney stone is the most common in people and, if the person is more easily able to form stones, it is recommended to avoid excessive tomato consumption.

In case the person has another type of kidney stone, such as calcium phosphate or cystine, for example, one can eat the tomato without any restrictions.

2. Worsen diverticulitis attacks

TRUTH. Tomato seeds and your skin can worsen the diverticulitis crisis, since in diverticulitis it is recommended that the person follow a low fiber diet. However, the seeds and skin of the tomato do not increase the person's risk of having diverticulitis or that another new diverticulitis crisis arises, which can be consumed when the disease is controlled.

3. Tomato seed is prohibited in the drop

IT IS NOT PROVEN. Some studies indicate that the tomato could trigger the gout crisis, however it is not proven in its entirety. It is believed that tomatoes could influence the increase in urate production.

Urate is a product that is formed from eating purine-rich foods (red meats, seafood and beer, and when it is high in the blood there is a greater risk of gout. However, tomatoes have a very low content of purine, but contains high levels of glutamate, an amino acid that is only found in foods with a high purine content and that could be able to stimulate urate synthesis.

4. Tomato protects against prostate cancer

TRUTH. Tomatoes are an important ally for the prevention of various diseases, including some types of cancer such as prostate and colon cancer due to the presence of antioxidant substances such as lycopene and vitamin C. Discover all the benefits of tomatoes.

5. They harm the pancreas and the gallbladder

MYTH. Tomatoes and their seeds actually contribute to the health of the pancreas and vesicle, as they help the proper functioning of the entire digestive system and eliminate toxins. In addition to the pancreas and gallbladder, tomatoes also help fight liver disease.

6. Tomato seeds help to maintain more fluid circulation

MYTH. In fact, tomatoes and their seeds help the intestinal microbiota to produce vitamin K, which is responsible for regulating blood clotting. For this reason, consumption of tomatoes does not make the blood more fluid.

7. Have many pesticides

IT DEPENDS. The amount of pesticides used in tomato production depends on the country and its regulations. In any case, to reduce the amount of pesticides they have, it is important to wash the tomatoes thoroughly with water and a little salt. Cooking also helps to reduce the amount of toxic substances.

Another option to reduce the amount of pesticides consumed is through the purchase of organic tomatoes, which must have a very low level of organic pesticides.

8. Tomato seeds cause appendicitis

PERHAPS. There is no scientific evidence to prove that eating tomato seeds causes appendicitis. Only in a few cases was it possible to observe the occurrence of appendicitis due to the consumption of tomato seeds and other seeds.

Tomato seed: myths and truths