Home Pregnancy What vitamins can pregnant women take

What vitamins can pregnant women take


Vitamins for pregnant women are supplements that pregnant women take to ensure their health and that of the baby during pregnancy, preventing anemia, reducing the risk of baby's neural tube defects, preventing bone loss, helping in the formation of DNA and in the fetus growth.

These vitamins should be taken according to the guidance of the obstetrician or nutritionist, as the amount depends on factors such as age and the presence of diseases such as anemia, and not all women need this type of supplementation.

Most recommended vitamin supplements for pregnant women

Some pregnant women may be deficient in some nutrients due to a nutritionally poor diet or insufficient for feeding the baby and maintaining the body itself. Thus, pregnant women may need supplements of:

  • Iron, calcium, zinc and copper; Vitamins C, D, B6, B12 and folic acid, mainly; Fatty acids; Omega 3.

Folic acid supplementation is the most recommended by the doctor or nutritionist because this vitamin is important in the development of the baby, preventing damage to the neural tube and congenital diseases. Thus, the nutritionist can recommend a diet rich in foods containing folic acid, such as spinach and black beans, for example, and, if necessary, supplement. Learn how to take folic acid in pregnancy.

The type and amount of vitamins and minerals to be replenished depends on the results of blood tests that pregnant women should take during pregnancy, their age, the number of babies they expect, and the presence of diseases such as diabetes and osteoporosis. Some examples of supplements for pregnancy are Natalben Supra., Centrum Prenatal, Natele and Materna.

Why is taking vitamins without guidance dangerous?

Taking vitamins without guidance from your doctor or nutritionist is dangerous because the excess of some nutrients can cause problems for the baby and the mother. Excess vitamin A, for example, can cause fetus malformations, while excess vitamin C increases the risk of kidney stones. Thus, it is important that supplementation is done according to the recommendation of the doctor or nutritionist according to the results of the woman's exams.

See when using vitamin C and E supplements is discouraged in pregnancy.

Does vitamin supplementation make you fat?

Vitamin supplements for pregnant women are not fattening, they serve to nourish and complement a healthy diet that should be followed during pregnancy. In cases where there is an increase in weight above the desired for the gestational period, the doctor will be able to guide the practice of physical exercises and a diet with less concentration of fat, but maintaining the supplementation of nutrients. See what to eat during pregnancy.

Vitamins for pregnant women with anemia

In the case of pregnant women with anemia, the use of iron supplements is usually indicated in order to increase the capacity of red blood cells to transport iron. The fall of iron can be observed at any stage of pregnancy, especially if the pregnant woman is already prone to anemia, and must be treated to avoid the risk of premature births, miscarriages or slow growth of the baby.

Anemia in pregnancy is common because the body needs to produce more blood, which is why all pregnant women should be careful to consume an iron-rich diet throughout pregnancy.

Natural vitamin replacement

Although vitamin supplements are more used during pregnancy, as it is a quick source of vitamins, it is possible to have the same results through food. Juices and vitamins for pregnant women can be made with fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins A, C, E, folic acid and iron. Vitamins and juices for pregnant women can include:

  • Citrus fruits like orange, pineapple and acerola, as they are rich in vitamin C, which increases the absorption of iron in the intestine when taken with lunch and dinner; Yellow and orange vegetables, such as carrots and squash, as they are rich in vitamin A; Dark green vegetables such as kale and watercress, as they are rich in folic acid, which helps to fight anemia and develop the nervous system of the fetus; Meat and poultry, which are sources of iron, are important against anemia.

It is important to remember that foods rich in calcium, such as milk and dairy products, should not be taken with the iron supplement or with main meals, as they can impair the total absorption of iron in the intestine.

What vitamins can pregnant women take