Home Symptoms 10 kyphosis exercises you can do at home

10 kyphosis exercises you can do at home


Exercises to correct kyphosis should strengthen the back and abdominal region, correcting the kyphotic posture, which consists of being in the "hunchback" position, with the neck, shoulders and head tilted forward.

This series of Pilates exercises that we indicate below are indicated for cases of mild or moderate hyperkyphosis and promote posture correction. However, the physiotherapist will be able to indicate other exercises that he deems most appropriate for each case, after an individualized assessment.

Before starting these exercises it is advisable to do 5-10 minutes of warm-up, which can be jumping rope or walking fast, for example. Breathing is very important for the correct performance of Pilates exercises, so you should always inhale before starting the movement, and exhale during the most difficult part of each exercise.

The 10 exercises to correct hyperkyphosis are:

1. Abdominal

  • Lie on the floor on your back and bend your legs, resting your feet on the floor. Lift your torso towards your knees, hold this position for 5 seconds and slowly lower your torso until the back of your shoulders touch the floor. Repeat 10 times.

2. Straight leg elevation

  • Lying on your back with your knees bentRaise both legs as if they were resting on an imaginary chairLift your head and torso off the floorStretch one leg at a time in the airMake each movement 10 times

3. Circles with the leg

  • Lying on your back, lift a straight leg upwards. Rotate your leg in a circle in the air, as wide as possible.

4. The handsaw

  • Sit with your legs slightly apartKeep the tip of your foot upwardsOpen your arms horizontallyRotate your torso to the Left side, until your right hand touches your left footRotate your torso to the Right side, until your left hand touches your right foot

Repeat the movement 10 times for each side

5. The swan

  • Lie on your stomachPosition your hands on the same line as your chestBreathe deeply by pushing the floor downLifting your torso upwards

Repeat the movement 8 times

6. Sit

  • Sit on the floor with your legs bentKeep your legs together and your feet against each other and on the floorKeep your back uprightPosition your hands slightly away from your body in the same direction as your torsoStay standing in this position for 30 seconds, keeping your abdomen always contracted

Repeat this exercise 10 times

7. Front board

  • Lie on your stomach and support your body only on your toes and forearms.

You should keep this position for at least 1 minute, and as it gets easier, increase the time by 30 seconds

8. Side board

  • Lie on your side and lift your body touching only with your forearm and foot on the floor. Keep your body straight and hold this position for 1 minute.

If you find the exercise too difficult, do the side plank with one foot positioned further forward

9. Strong chest

  • Lie on the floor on your stomach, with your arms folded and your hands behind your head or with your arms stretched out in front of you. Lift your torso off the floor, pulling your chest up while lifting your legs off the floor.

Repeat this exercise 20 times.

10. Lifting arms over the roller

  • Lie on the roller, keeping your legs bent and your feet slightly apart. Hold a small ball or stick in your hands, and hold it in front of your body as shown in the picture. Extend your arms back to head height

Repeat the movement 10 times.

This series of exercises can be performed at home, but preferably they should be guided by a physical therapist who can monitor their performance, so that the exercises are performed correctly, without compensation, to achieve the best results in the treatment of hyperkyphosis.

The ideal is that these exercises are performed 2-3 times a week, for about 15-20 weeks to later evaluate the results, but as the exercises become easier, you can change each one a little, or insert other exercises, modifying the series.

In addition, other styles of exercises can be used, such as those of global postural reeducation, and other techniques to correct this deviation in the spine. Check out how to treat hyperkyphosis.

10 kyphosis exercises you can do at home