Home Symptoms What can cause rapid (and unintended) weight loss

What can cause rapid (and unintended) weight loss


Weight loss should be a matter of concern when it occurs unintentionally, without the person realizing that he is losing weight. In general, it is normal to lose weight after phases of stress such as changing jobs, going through a divorce or losing a loved one.

However, if weight loss is not linked to these factors, nor to diet or increased physical activity, you should see a doctor to assess the cause of the problem, which can be diseases such as thyroid problems, diabetes or cancer.

Possible causes

In general, when unintentional weight loss occurs and for no apparent reason, it may be due to gastrointestinal changes, neurological diseases, thyroid problems, such as hyperthyroidism, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis and AIDS, for example. In addition, it may be due to diabetes, psychological problems such as depression, excessive use of alcohol or drugs and cancer.

Weight loss can also have specific causes according to the person's age and associated situations, such as:

1. In the elderly

Weight loss during aging is considered normal when it is slow, and is usually linked to a lack of appetite, altered taste or due to side effects of medicines. Another common reason is dementia, which makes people forget to eat and eat properly. In addition to weight loss, bone loss is also normal, which makes the elderly more fragile and at greater risk of having bone fractures.

2. In pregnancy

Weight loss in pregnancy is not a normal situation, but it can occur mainly when the pregnant woman has a lot of nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy, not being able to eat properly. In these cases, it is essential to consult a nutritionist to know what to do and to avoid serious complications that may hinder the growth of the fetus, as it is expected that the healthy pregnant woman with normal weight will increase 11 to 15 kg during the entire pregnancy.

3. In the baby

Weight loss is common in newborn babies, who usually lose up to 10% of their body weight during the first 15 days of life, due to the expulsion of fluids through urine and feces. Thereafter it is expected that the baby will increase about 250 g per week until the age of 6 months and will always increase in weight and height as he gets older. If this does not happen, it is important that the baby is constantly monitored by the pediatrician so that there are no changes in the baby's development process

How is the diagnosis

It is important to know the cause of weight loss so that the doctor can indicate the most appropriate treatment and, thus, it is possible to prevent complications. Therefore, to diagnose the cause of weight loss, the doctor must evaluate the symptoms presented and order tests such as blood, urine and stool tests, MRI and chest X-ray, continuing the investigation according to the results obtained.

Generally, the general practitioner is the first doctor to be consulted and only after the results of the exams will he be able to appoint a specialist according to the cause of the problem, such as an endocrinologist, psychiatrist or oncologist, for example.

To help assess the cause of the problem, look for signs and symptoms that can indicate cancer.

When to worry

Weight loss is worrying when the patient accidentally loses more than 5% of body weight over a period of 6 months to 1 year. In a person with 70 kg, for example, the loss is worrying when it is greater than 3.5 kg, and in a person with 50 kg, the concern comes when she loses another 2.5 kg unintentionally.

In addition, you should also be aware of signs such as tiredness, loss of appetite, changes in the rate of bowel function and increased frequency of infections such as flu.

What can cause rapid (and unintended) weight loss