Home Symptoms How oxyurus transmission occurs

How oxyurus transmission occurs


Oxyurus transmission can occur through contact with the worm's eggs that may be on the infected child's clothes, toys and personal effects or through the consumption of water or food contaminated with this worm.

When scratching the anus, oxymoron eggs stick to the child's nails and fingers and the child, when touching something, contaminates it. Oxyurus eggs can remain alive for up to 30 days, and can infect any other individual in this period, so it is important that the clothes and all objects that the child has access to are always washed with hot water and soap.

Oxyurus eggs are very small and can easily spread through the air, contaminating objects within a radius of up to 2 km away. Cleaning the floor and the bathroom that the child uses with chlorine is also an important measure to prevent the transmission of the disease.

Main forms of transmission of Oxiúrus

The main form of transmission of this worm occurs when the infected person scratches the anus, causing the worm or its eggs to become trapped in his fingers or nails and can be spread on his clothes, sheets and the whole environment. So some ways to be contaminated with this worms are:

  • Eat contaminated food; Wear the same clothes, towel or sleep in the same bed as the infected person; Play with toys or objects contaminated with the worm or its eggs; Sit on the contaminated toilet; Get in contact with sewage or polluted water; Sit on floor using only clothes with fine fabric.

It is very easy for the person with oxyurus to infect others around him, even though this is not his desire. As this infection usually occurs in children, parents and teachers need to take measures to control the infestation because otherwise the cycle can last for years.

Whenever a person is infected, everyone around them needs to undergo treatment to eradicate this worm. In the most severe cases, in a low-income population with few hygiene habits, it may be necessary for everyone to be treated at the same time and to be instructed to thoroughly clean their homes until the infestation is completely controlled.

Know the medicines against oxyurus and everything you can do to fight this infestation.

How oxyurus transmission occurs