Home Bulls Cannabidiol



Cannabidiol is a substance extracted from the cannabis plant, Cannabis Sativa , which acts on the central nervous system, being useful in the treatment of psychiatric or neurodegenerative diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, schizophrenia, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy or anxiety, for example.

Currently, in Brazil, there is only one medicine authorized for commercialization, with the name Mevatyl, which is indicated for the treatment of muscle spasms related to multiple sclerosis, but it is estimated that, during March 2020, other products at cannabis-based products will be available in pharmacies in Brazil. For now, it is possible to import products with this substance, with proper authorization.

What is cannabidiol medicine for

In Brazil, there is only one drug with cannabidiol authorized by Anvisa, with the name Mevatyl, which is indicated for the treatment of muscle spasms related to multiple sclerosis.

However, there are other products with cannabidiol, which are marketed in other countries, indicated for the treatment of epilepsy, Parkinson's or Alzheimer's disease, as analgesics in terminal cancer patients, for example, which can be imported, for specific cases and with proper authorization..

There is still not enough scientific evidence to prove that cannabinoids are completely safe and effective in the treatment of epilepsy, so there is only an indication for use in restricted cases, when there is no adequate response to other drugs indicated for this disease.

In addition, cannabidiol has also revealed pharmacological properties, such as analgesic and immunosuppressive action, action in the treatment of stroke, diabetes, nausea and cancer and effects on anxiety, sleep and movement disorders.

Where to buy

The only cannabidiol medication authorized by Anvisa, has the name Mevatyl, and is indicated for the treatment of muscle spasms related to multiple sclerosis. This remedy is available in spray and can be purchased at pharmacies.

However, there are other products with cannabidiol, with other therapeutic purposes, that will be marketed in Brazil, from March 2020, or that can be imported. Until March 2020, whenever it is necessary to use this type of medication, an appropriate form must be requested from Anvisa, for import and use of the medication, upon presentation of the prescription, authorization from the doctor and declaration of responsibility signed by the doctor and patient.

Possible side effects

Some side effects that may occur during treatment with Mevatyl, which is marketed in Brazil, are dizziness, changes in appetite, depression, disorientation, dissociation, euphoric mood, amnesia, balance and attention disorders, poor coordination of speech muscles, changes in taste, lack of energy, impaired memory, drowsiness, blurred vision, dizziness, constipation, diarrhea, burning, ulceration, pain and dryness of the mouth, nausea and vomiting.
