Home Symptoms 10 Scoliosis Exercises You Can Do At Home

10 Scoliosis Exercises You Can Do At Home


The scoliosis exercises listed below are indicated for people who have back pain and a small deviation of the C or S-shaped spine. This series of exercises has benefits such as posture improvement and back pain relief and can be performed 1-2 times a week, on a regular basis.

Scoliosis is a lateral deviation of the spine that is considered problematic when it has more than 10 degrees in the Cobb angle, which can be seen in a spine x-ray examination. In this case, the treatment must be indicated by the orthopedist and the physiotherapist individually because factors such as scoliosis degrees, age, type of curvature, severity and symptoms presented must be taken into account to decide which treatment is the best. If you don't know if you have scoliosis, or if your scoliosis is severe, see how the diagnosis is made here.

For cases of mild scoliosis, with less than 10 degrees of deviation in the spine, exercises for postural correction may be indicated, as for example those indicated below.

1. Little plane

Standing should:

  • Open your arms like an airplane Lift one leg back Keep your body balanced in this position for 20 seconds

Then you should do the same with the other raised leg.

2. Hold the leg

Lying on your back, you should keep your legs straight on the floor and then:

  • Bend one leg, place your hands close to the knee Bring the leg towards the torso.

Then you should do the same exercise with your other leg. Do 10 repetitions with each leg.

3. Hug your legs

Lying on your back should:

  • Hold both legs at the same timeHold this position for 20 seconds

4. Switch arms

Lying on your back should:

  • Keep your legs straight and your spine properly supported on the floorRaise one arm at a time, touching the floor (above head height) and bringing it back to the starting position

    You should repeat 10 times with each arm.

5. Lengthen the spine

Lying on your side and with your knees bent you should:

  • Place both knees at the same time to the left side. At the same time you turn your head to the opposite side.

You must repeat 10 times for each side.

6. Arm and leg elevation bridge

Lying on your back should:

  • Raise your arms above your head and keep in that position. Lift your hips off the floor, making a bridge.

Repeat the bridge 10 times. Then, as a way of progressing the exercise, you should, at the same time, raise your hips off the floor, keeping one leg straight. To descend, you must first support both legs on the floor, and only then descend the trunk. You must do 10 repetitions with each leg in the air.

7. Side board

Lying on your side you should:

  • Support an elbow on the floor, in the same direction as your shoulder. Bend the leg that is closest to the floor. Lift your torso off the floor, keeping a horizontal line. Hold this position for 7-10 seconds and descend. Repeat 5 times for each side.

8. Frog in the air

Lying on your back with your arms across your body should:

  • Touch the two soles of your feet together, keeping your knees apart. Stretch your legs as far as you can, without letting your feet separate. Then you should lower your legs, always keeping your feet in contact.

Repeat the leg up and down exercise 10 times.

9. Arm opening

Lying on your side with your legs bent you should:

  • Place your arms in front of your body, with your hands in contact with each other. Bring your arm back, always looking at your hand, as far as is comfortable.

You should repeat this exercise 10 times with each arm.

10. Klapp

Stay in the position of cats, or also known as 4 supports, with your hands and knees resting on the floor and then you should:

  • Stretch one arm forward at the same time as the opposite leg. Hold for 5 seconds in this position and then alternate your arm and leg.

You should repeat this exercise 5 times for each side.

Finally, still in the position of cats, you should sit your butt on your heels and leave your arms along your body. Hold this position for 1 minute.

This series of 10 exercises is aimed at everyone who has back pain or has a small spinal deviation. The purpose of these exercises is to increase joint flexibility and mobility, in addition to improving breathing, mental concentration and overall posture. However, when the person has severe back pain and scoliosis greater than 10 degrees, the physiotherapist can indicate other exercises more suitable for each case.

Video exercise series

Check out these tips and how to do each exercise in the following video:

In addition to exercise, moderate or severe scoliosis can be treated with physiotherapy, the use of a vest or orthosis, and in the most severe cases, surgery. Check out all the treatment options to cure scoliosis.

10 Scoliosis Exercises You Can Do At Home