Home Symptoms 10 Fruits that make you fat (and spoil your diet)

10 Fruits that make you fat (and spoil your diet)


The fruits that can favor weight gain are those that contain more fat and fructose, especially when consumed in large quantities or when combined with other caloric foods, however despite this, these fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals that are essential for the body.

For this reason, the fruits mentioned below, with the exception of fruits in syrup, can be included in a balanced diet to either lose, increase or maintain weight, the result being variable according to the amount consumed. It is important to mention that any fruit that is eaten in excess can favor weight gain.

1. Avocado

Avocado is a fruit rich in good monounsaturated fats, vitamin C, E and K and minerals, such as potassium and magnesium. Each 4 tablespoons of avocado provides about 90 calories.

This fruit provides several health benefits, as it helps to improve intestinal transit, control sugar levels, take care of the heart and keep skin and hair healthy, and can be used both to lose weight when consuming small amounts, how to increase it.

How to eat: To consume avocado without increasing weight it is recommended to eat a maximum of 2 tablespoons per day, which can be included in salads, in the form of guacamole, in vitamins or in desserts. In case you want to increase your weight, it can be combined with other fruits and consume more frequently and in greater quantity.

2. Coconut

The pulp of the coconut, which is the white part, is rich in fats, while coconut water is rich in carbohydrates and minerals, being a natural isotonic. The coconut is a caloric fruit, since 100 grams of pulp have about 406 calories, practically 1/4 of the calories that must be consumed daily.

This fruit provides several health benefits and is rich in fiber, in addition to increasing the feeling of satiety and improving intestinal functioning. Coconut also helps maintain heart health, strengthen the immune system and help replenish the body's minerals.

How to consume: Coconut should be consumed in moderation and in small portions, it is recommended to consume a maximum of 2 tablespoons (30 mL) of coconut oil or 2 tablespoons of coconut zest or 1/2 cup of coconut milk or 30 g of coconut pulp a day to obtain its benefits and avoid weight gain. In case you want to gain weight, the portions can be increased for a greater caloric intake.

3. Açaí

Açaí is a super antioxidant fruit that helps to improve the immune system, prevent aging and provide energy, but it is also very caloric, especially when its pulp is added with sugar, guarana syrup or other products used to improve your flavor.

In about 100 grams of frozen açaí pulp with no added sugar, there are about 58 calories and 6.2 grams of carbohydrates.

How to consume: Açaí should be consumed in small quantities and avoided to add industrialized products, such as condensed milk, for example, because despite improving the taste, it increases blood sugar levels and favors weight gain.

4. Grape

The grape is a fruit rich in carbohydrates that have a moderate glycemic index, especially red grapes, that is, its consumption in excess can favor the increase of blood sugar. As for calories, 100 grams provide approximately 50 calories.

This fruit is rich in resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant that is present in its peel, and that can be useful in preventing cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

How to consume: The grapes should be consumed in small portions, it is recommended to consume 17 small units or 12 large units with skin to increase its fiber content. This is the ideal amount to consume this fruit as food, since the consumption of the whole bunch has many calories and promotes weight gain. In addition, you should avoid consuming it in the form of juice, as it provides about 166 calories and 28 grams of carbohydrates, which corresponds to almost two slices of white bread.

5. Banana

The banana is a fruit rich in carbohydrates, containing in 100 grams about 21.8 grams of carbohydrates and 104 calories. This fruit is rich in potassium and magnesium, helping to prevent the occurrence of muscle cramps and to reduce blood pressure. In addition, it helps to improve mood, as it is rich in tryptophan, and to regulate the intestine, since it is rich in fiber.

Ideally, 1 banana should be consumed a day to obtain its benefits and prevent weight gain.

How to consume: In order to consume the banana without gaining weight, the recommended portion is 1 small banana or 1/2, if it is very large. In addition, it can be consumed in several ways, such as with a little cinnamon, which acts as a thermogenic, or with 1 spoon of oats, which increases the amount of fiber consumed and helps control the amount of sugar in the blood..

In addition, bananas can also be combined with good fats, such as 1 tablespoon of peanut butter, chia or flax seeds and some nuts, or also eaten as a dessert or together with a protein.

6. Persimmon

An average unit of persimmon has about 80 kcal and 20 g of carbohydrates, and is also a danger to weight loss when consumed in excess.

How to consume: To enjoy persimmon, the ideal is to prefer medium or small fruits and also consume the peel, which is the part of the fruit richest in fiber, important to keep blood sugar stable and reduce the stimulus of fat production.

7. Fig

Fig is a fruit with excellent digestive properties, as it has a large amount of fiber, which improves intestinal transit, and due to the presence of the substance cradine. However, 100 grams of this fruit provides 10.2 grams of carbohydrates and 41 calories and, therefore, its excessive consumption may favor weight gain.

How to consume: The ideal amount of fig to be consumed is 2 medical units, it is recommended to eat fresh and not dry.

8. Mango

Mango is a fruit rich in carbohydrates, having 15 grams of carbohydrates and 60 calories in 100 grams of this fruit, in addition to being rich in vitamins and minerals. Mango provides several health benefits, helping to improve intestinal health, it is laughter in antioxidants, it helps to improve the immune system, since it is rich in vitamin C, and it favors visual, skin and hair health.

How to consume: The appropriate portion to consume this fruit is 1/2 cup or 1/2 small unit of mango or 1/4 of large mango.

9. Dried fruits

It is also important to be careful with dried fruits, such as raisins, nuts, dried apricots, among others. These fruits are dehydrated and have a higher glycemic index, favoring an increase in blood sugar, in addition to being rich in calories.

Despite this, some studies indicate that dried fruit may contain 3 times more micronutrients than fresh fruit, in addition to being rich in insoluble fibers, favoring the functioning of the intestine.

How to consume: Consumption should be made in small quantities and combined with consumption of good fats or proteins, such as yogurt or milk, for example, to prevent blood sugar from rising.

10. Fruit in syrup

Fruit in syrup usually has double or triple the calories of fresh fruit, as the syrup is usually made with sugar, which greatly raises the calories in the food. In a diet plan to lose weight, it is important to avoid consuming this type of fruit.

It is important to consume at least 2 or 3 units of fruit a day, preferably varying the fruits consumed for different nutrients to be absorbed. To help with the diet, also see 10 fruits that lose weight.

10 Fruits that make you fat (and spoil your diet)