Home Bulls 3 home remedies for seasickness in pregnancy

3 home remedies for seasickness in pregnancy


A great home remedy to quell pregnancy sickness is to chew on gingerbreads in the morning, but cold foods and reflexology are also a good help.

Pregnancy sickness affects 80% of pregnant women and lasts on average until the 12th week and occurs due to hormonal changes essential for the baby's formation. Some natural strategies to overcome this discomfort are:

1. Eat ginger

Eating small pieces of ginger is a good natural strategy to eliminate the typical nausea of ​​pregnancy. For those who don't really like the taste of raw ginger, you can choose ginger candies or make a tea with this root and drink it when it's cold, because warm foods tend to aggravate nausea.

2. Wear motion sickness bracelets

The anti-nausea bracelet has a button that must be positioned at a specific point on the wrist, which is a reflexology point called Nei-Kuan, which when stimulated can combat the feeling of nausea. In order to have the expected effect, a bracelet must be worn on each wrist. This can be purchased at some pharmacies, drugstores, stores for products for pregnant women and babies or online.

3. Eat cold foods

The pregnant woman can also try eating cold foods, such as yogurt, gelatin, fruit popsicles, salads, sparkling water and avoid eating too much at once, but always eating every 3 hours, avoiding going too long without eating, but eating always in small portions.

Other strategies that help in this phase are to avoid strong smells, to avoid eating very fatty and spicy foods. However, smelling lemon and coffee powder helps to fight nausea quickly.

In certain cases, the obstetrician may recommend taking specific remedies, which should be taken daily to control this symptom, especially when the woman is unable to eat properly.

3 home remedies for seasickness in pregnancy