Home Symptoms 4 Best flours to lose weight fast

4 Best flours to lose weight fast


Flours for weight loss have properties that quench hunger or that help to reduce the absorption of carbohydrates and fats, such as eggplant, passion fruit or green banana flours, for example.

Thus, these types of flour are a great option to add to the diet to lose weight, especially to replace normal flour in cakes and other dishes.

However, these flours only help you lose weight when you follow a low-calorie diet and practice some type of physical activity. See an example of a healthy weight loss diet.

1. How to make and use eggplant flour

This type of flour has properties that decrease the concentration and absorption of fat by the body, and is also great for fighting cholesterol.


  • 1 eggplant

Method of preparation

Cut the eggplant into slices and bake until they are completely dry, but without burning. Then, beat everything in the blender and store in a tightly closed glass jar.

It is advisable to consume 2 tablespoons of this flour a day. It can be added to meals, diluted in water and juice or added to yogurt, for example.

Discover other incredible health benefits of eggplant flour.

2. How to make and use passion fruit flour

Passion fruit flour is very good for weight loss because it is rich in pectin, which gives satiety, and can therefore be added in various dishes to reduce hunger during the day.


  • 4 passion fruit peels

Method of preparation

Place the passion fruit peels on a tray and place in the oven until they are very dry, but without burning. Then, beat the blender and store in a tightly closed glass container.

Sprinkle 1 teaspoon of this flour over the lunch and dinner plate.

3. How to make and use green banana flour

Green banana flour is very rich in resistant starch, a type of carbohydrate that is difficult to digest. In this way, food takes longer to leave the stomach, providing a feeling of satiety for longer.


  • 1 green banana

Method of preparation

Cook the green silver banana with the peel and then place only the banana pulp cut in half on a tray. Then, take it to the oven until it is completely dry, but without burning. Finally, beat in the blender until it becomes a fine powder, store in a tightly closed glass container.

You can consume 2 teaspoons of this flour a day, added to the lunch and dinner plate, for example.

4. How to make and use white bean flour

This flour is great for weight loss because it is a great source of phaseolamine, a substance that decreases the carbohydrate absorption of meals by 20%, in addition to also having the ability to reduce the feeling of hunger.


  • 200 g of dry white beans

Method of preparation

Wash the white beans and after it is very dry, beat in the blender until it reduces to powder.

Mix a teaspoon of flour with a glass of water or juice and take 30 minutes before lunch or dinner.

4 Best flours to lose weight fast