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5 Habits to keep your brain young


Exercising for the brain is important to avoid the loss of neurons and consequently avoid distractions, improve memory and promote learning. Thus, there are some habits that can be included in the day-to-day and that constitute simple exercises that keep the brain always active.

Some examples of these habits are:

  1. Bathing with your eyes closed: Do not open your eyes either to turn on the tap or to get the shampoo off the shelf. Do the whole bathing ritual with your eyes closed. This exercise serves to enhance the area of ​​the brain responsible for tactile sensations. Change things around every 3 or 4 days. Decorate the supermarket's shopping list: Think of the various aisles in the market or make the list mentally based on what is needed for breakfast, lunch or dinner. This is a very good memory exercise for the brain, as it helps to develop and adjust memory; Brush your teeth with a non-dominant hand: You should use muscles that are little used, creating new brain connections. This exercise serves to make the individual more agile and more intelligent; Follow different paths to go home, to work or to school: So the brain will have to memorize new sights, sounds and smells. This exercise serves to activate several areas of the brain at the same time favoring all brain connections; Make games, like some video games, puzzles or sudoku 30 minutes a day: improve memory and develop the ability to make decisions and solve puzzles quickly. Check out some games to stimulate the brain

These brain training exercises make neurons reactivate and favor brain connections by keeping the brain active for longer, resulting in brain rejuvenation, being indicated even for more experienced and elderly people because the brain of a 65-year-old can work as well as the brain of a 45-year-old.

Another way to improve brain function and activate memory is to do physical activity after a period of study, for example. Studies point out that the practice of exercises until 4 hours after the studies helps in the consolidation of the memory, which makes the brain work more efficiently.

See also other tips to increase your brain's capacity:

5 Habits to keep your brain young