Home Bulls 5 Main doubts about hemorrhagic dengue

5 Main doubts about hemorrhagic dengue


Hemorrhagic dengue is a serious disease characterized by bleeding from the body after the body's reaction to the dengue virus, which is transmitted through the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito . It is important that hemorrhagic dengue is identified as soon as the first symptoms appear, so that the appropriate treatment is established and the risk of complications is less.

This type of dengue is more frequent in people who have previously had dengue, because the reaction of the immune system is more aggressive, resulting in the complications of dengue.

Here we answer 5 common questions about hemorrhagic dengue.

1. How do you get hemorrhagic dengue?

Hemorrhagic dengue is caused by the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito that transmits the dengue virus. In most cases of hemorrhagic dengue, the person had previously had dengue and when he is infected by the virus again, he develops more severe symptoms, resulting in this type of dengue.

2. Is the first time never hemorrhagic dengue?

Although hemorrhagic dengue is rarer, it can occur in people who have never had dengue, in which case babies are the most affected. Although it is not yet known exactly why this can happen, there is knowledge that the person's antibodies can bind to the virus, but it cannot neutralize it and that is why it continues to replicate very quickly and causing serious changes in the body.

In most cases, hemorrhagic dengue appears in people who have been infected with the virus at least once.

3. Can hemorrhagic dengue be caused by using the wrong medicine?

The inappropriate use of medicines can also favor the development of hemorrhagic dengue, since some drugs based on acetylsalicylic acid, such as ASA and Aspirin, can favor bleeding and hemorrhage, complicating dengue. Check how dengue treatment should be to avoid complications.

4. Does hemorrhagic dengue kill?

Hemorrhagic dengue is a very serious disease that must be treated in hospital because it is necessary to administer medication directly into the vein and oxygen mask in some cases. If treatment is not started or is not done correctly, hemorrhagic dengue can lead to death.

According to the severity, hemorrhagic dengue can be classified into 4 degrees, in which the mildest symptoms are milder, bleeding may not be seen, despite the evidence of the tie being positive, and in the most severe it is possible that there is shock syndrome associated with dengue, increasing the risk of death.

5. Is there a cure?

Hemorrhagic dengue is curable when it is quickly identified and treated. It is possible to be completely cured, but for this you need to go to the hospital as soon as the first symptoms of dengue appear, especially if there is a lot of abdominal pain or bleeding from the nose, ears or mouth.

One of the first signs that can indicate hemorrhagic dengue is the ease of having purple marks on the body, even in small bumps, or the appearance of a dark mark at the place where an injection was given or blood was drawn. Learn to recognize the symptoms of hemorrhagic dengue.

See also how to ward off the mosquito that transmits dengue to prevent hemorrhagic dengue, by watching the following video:

5 Main doubts about hemorrhagic dengue