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7 Main causes of infectious diarrhea and what to do


Infectious diarrhea can be caused mainly by viruses, bacteria and parasites, and it is important to identify the infectious agent to start treatment and the chances of complications, such as dehydration, mainly decrease. Thus, as soon as diarrhea symptoms appear, it is important to go to the general practitioner or pediatrician, in the case of children, so that the diagnosis and treatment can be started.

It is not recommended to use medicines that "trap" the intestine, because the infectious agent is not eliminated and there is a greater chance of complications. Thus, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids and have a light and healthy diet to promote the elimination of the responsible agent.

The main causes of infectious diarrhea are:

1. Viruses

Virus infection is a major cause of infectious diarrhea, especially in children between 6 months and 2 years of age, and is usually related to Rotavirus. This virus is easily transmitted from one child to another and the main route of transmission is fecal-oral.

Infectious diarrhea caused by rotavirus is quite intense and has a strong odor, in addition other symptoms may appear in the child, such as fever and vomiting, for example. As this type of diarrhea is very intense, it is important that it is identified and treated quickly to prevent dehydration in the child. Know how to recognize rotavirus infection.

What to do: In case of suspected rotavirus infection, the ideal thing to do is to take the child to the pediatrician for examination and treatment according to the symptoms presented. It is also important to offer water and juices to the child, to avoid dehydration, in addition to a light diet to make the child recover faster.

2. Salmonella sp.

Infection with Salmonella sp . it happens through the ingestion of food contaminated by this bacterium, mainly egg and raw chicken meat, for example, causing severe diarrhea, vomiting and high fever. Symptoms of salmonellosis can appear up to 10 days after a person's contact with the bacteria depending on the level of contamination of the food. See more about salmonellosis.

What to do: It is important that the person drinks plenty of fluids and has a light diet. In addition, it is recommended to go to the doctor to make a laboratory diagnosis of salmonellosis and antibiotic treatment can be started if the doctor thinks there is a need.

3. Shigella sp.

Infectious diarrhea caused by Shigella sp . it also happens due to the consumption of food and water contaminated by the bacteria, with pain in the belly, nausea, vomiting and headache, in addition to diarrhea. The symptoms of shigellosis disappear after 5 to 7 days, however if the symptoms persist or worsen, it is recommended to go to the doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

What to do: In the case of shigellosis, the doctor usually recommends, in addition to rest and drinking plenty of fluids during the day, the use of antibiotics, such as Azithromycin, for example, to make the bacteria be eliminated more quickly from the body. The use of antibiotics, however, is only recommended when there is no improvement in symptoms and diarrhea lasts for more than 7 days.

4. Escherichia coli

Escherichia coli , or simply E. coli , is a bacterium naturally present in the person's intestines, however it can also be related to cases of diarrhea. That's because there are types of E. coli that can contaminate food and the toxin produced by that type of E. coli can trigger diarrhea.

What to do: It is important that the infection by Escherichia coli is identified through the examination of feces, the co-culture, so that it was possible to know the sensitivity profile of this bacterium and to indicate the best antibiotic. In addition, it is important for the person to rest, drink plenty of fluids and eat a light and balanced diet. Find out all about Escherichia coli .

5. Giardia lamblia

Giardia lamblia is an intestinal parasite responsible for causing diarrhea in children and occurs due to the consumption of cysts of this parasite present in contaminated water and food. Giardiasis can be noticed through symptoms that appear between 1 to 3 weeks after contact with Giardia lamblia , with diarrhea, nausea, yellow stools and abdominal pain, for example. Know other symptoms of giardiasis.

What to do: If there is a suspicion of infection by Giardia lamblia , it is important that the child goes to the pediatrician to have tests, especially the parasitological stool, so that the presence of cysts in the child's stool is identified. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor may recommend the use of antiparasitic drugs, such as Metronidazole and Secnidazole, for example, in addition to recommending rest and drinking plenty of fluids.

6. Ascaris lumbricoides

Ascaris lumbricoides , popularly called roundworm, is also a parasite that develops in the intestine and can cause diarrhea, abdominal discomfort and vomiting, for example. The transmission of this parasite occurs through the consumption of food and water contaminated with eggs of this parasite, therefore it is important that the food is thoroughly cleaned before being prepared and cooked.

What to do: Treatment for infection with Ascaris lumbricoides involves the use of antiparasitic drugs, such as Albendazole, Ivermectin or Mebendazole, which must be done according to the doctor's guidance and aims to promote the elimination of this parasite. Learn more about the treatment for Ascaris lumbricoides.

7. Entamoeba histolytica

Entamoeba histolytica is the parasite responsible for amebiasis, which is an infectious disease characterized by severe diarrhea, fever, bloody stools, nausea and tiredness, for example, being more frequent in children living in tropical regions and with conditions precarious basic sanitation. See more about amebiasis.

What to do: It is important that infection by Entamoeba histolytica is identified and treated quickly to prevent complications from occurring. Therefore, as soon as the first symptoms of infectious diarrhea appear, it is recommended that the child undergo a stool test to make the diagnosis and treatment can be started, which is usually done with Metronidazole for about 10 days or according to the doctor's guidance.

Symptoms of infectious diarrhea

Symptoms of infectious diarrhea usually appear after contact with the agent responsible for the infection, usually through consumption of contaminated food or water. The main symptoms of infectious diarrhea are:

  • Increased number of bowel movements during the day; Change in stool consistency and color, depending on the cause of infectious diarrhea; Fever; Abdominal pain; Loss of appetite; Vomiting; General malaise; Weakness.

If these symptoms are identified, it is important to go to the doctor to start treatment to prevent dehydration, and it is important that a stool test is performed to identify the person responsible for the infection and, thus, the appropriate treatment can be started, which can be with antibiotics or antiparasitic, for example. Understand how the stool test is done.

7 Main causes of infectious diarrhea and what to do