- 1. Induction of ovulation
- 2. Intimate relationship programmed
- 3. Artificial insemination
- 4. In vitro fertilization
- 5. Egg donation
- 6. Donation of sperm
- 7. “surrogacy”
- When to get medical help to get pregnant
- Age of woman
- Irregular menstrual cycle
- Reproductive system problems
- History of 3 or more abortions
- How to manage the anxiety of having a child
A couple can get pregnant on the first try or take months to get pregnant. Usually when the couple is in good health, they are not anxious and have intercourse during the woman's fertile period, pregnancy happens spontaneously.
However, when the couple is unable to conceive naturally after 1 year of trying, they can see the doctor to assess the existence of fertility problems and if these are confirmed, the couple can be informed of the possibilities of fertility treatments and also of the techniques of fertility. reproduction that can be used.
See below 7 breeding techniques available to increase the chances of having a child.
1. Induction of ovulation
Induction of ovulation is done through injections or pills with hormones that stimulate the production of eggs in women, increasing their chances of becoming pregnant.
This technique is mainly used in women with hormonal changes and irregular menstrual cycles, as in the case of polycystic ovaries.
2. Intimate relationship programmed
In this technique, the intimate relationship is planned for the same day that the woman will ovulate. The exact day of ovulation is followed by ultrasound of the ovaries throughout the month, allowing the doctor to know the ideal day to try to have a baby. Another possibility is to buy an ovulation test that you buy at the pharmacy to find out when you are ovulating.
3. Artificial insemination
Artificial insemination is a technique in which the sperm are placed directly in the woman's uterus, increasing the chances of fertilization of the egg.
The woman normally takes hormones to stimulate ovulation, and the whole process of collecting and inseminating the sperm is done on the day scheduled for the woman to ovulate.
4. In vitro fertilization
In vitro fertilization is the union of the egg and the sperm in the laboratory to form the embryo. After formed, 2 to 4 embryos are placed in the woman's uterus, which is why it is common for twins to occur in couples who have undergone this procedure. See step by step how IVF is done.
5. Egg donation
Egg donation can be used when a woman is no longer able to produce eggs, usually due to early menopause. Thus, the reproduction clinic produces an embryo from the egg of an unknown donor and the sperm of the partner of the woman who wants to become pregnant.
This embryo is then placed in the woman's uterus, which will need to take hormones to prepare the body for pregnancy. It should also be noted that it is possible to know the physical and personality characteristics of the egg donor woman, such as skin and eye color, height and profession.
6. Donation of sperm
Sperm donation can be used when a man is unable to produce sperm, a problem usually caused by genetic changes.
Thus, the embryo is formed from the sperm of an unknown donor and the egg of the woman who wants to become pregnant. It is important to highlight that it is possible to choose the characteristics of the male sperm donor, such as height, skin color and profession, but it is not possible to identify who the donor is.
7. “surrogacy”
The surrogate belly, also called a replacement uterus, is when the entire pregnancy is performed on the belly of another woman. The surrogacy rules require that there can be no payment for the process and that the woman lending the belly must be up to 50 years old and be a relative to the 4th degree of the child's father or mother, and may be a mother, sister, cousin or couple's aunt.
When to get medical help to get pregnant
The general rule is that one should seek help to get pregnant after 1 year of unsuccessful attempts, as this is the period in which most couples take to get pregnant.
However, you need to be aware of some situations that require help earlier, such as the couple's age and a history of problems with the reproductive organs. Here's what to worry about and know when to call for help early.
Age of woman
After the woman turns 35, the couple should try to get pregnant naturally for 6 months, it is important to seek medical help after that period.
A little old age makes the woman produce eggs with lower quality, which makes pregnancy difficult. Thus, one should not waste too much time before looking for a doctor so that the age does not continue to advance, hindering the success of the pregnancy.
Irregular menstrual cycle
The irregular menstrual cycle is a sign that ovulation is not occurring monthly, as it should be. This means that the woman is unable to produce the egg which, together with the man's sperm, will produce the baby.
Thus, in the presence of an irregular menstrual cycle, the doctor should be consulted so that he can assess the cause of the problem and start the appropriate treatment.
Reproductive system problems
Women with problems in the reproductive system, such as septate uterus, endometriosis, polycystic ovary or tubal obstruction should see the doctor as soon as they decide to become pregnant, as these diseases increase the difficulty of generating children, and must be treated and monitored by a gynecologist.
The same rule applies to men diagnosed with varicocele, which is the enlargement of the veins in the testicles, the main cause of male infertility.
History of 3 or more abortions
Having a history of 3 or more abortions is a reason to seek medical advice when deciding to become pregnant, as it is necessary to assess the causes of abortions and carefully plan the next pregnancy.
In addition to the care before becoming pregnant, the entire pregnancy must be closely monitored by the doctor, to avoid complications for both mother and baby.
How to manage the anxiety of having a child
It is normal to feel anxious for the pregnancy to happen soon, but it is important to remember that it is natural for the positive result to take longer than desired. Thus, it is essential that the couple support each other and keep trying, and that they know when to seek help.
However, if they want to know right away if there is an infertility problem, the doctor should be contacted so that the couple undergoes a health evaluation to identify if there are fertility problems. See what tests are used to assess the cause of infertility in the couple.
It is important to be aware of the presence of diseases that interfere with fertility, so know what are the diseases that cause infertility in men and women.