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ADHD Treatment


The treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, known as ADHD, is done with the use of medication, behavioral therapy or a combination of these. In the presence of symptoms that indicate this type of disorder, it is important to consult with the pediatrician or child psychiatrist, who can guide the best treatment for each child. See how to identify ADHD symptoms and get tested online.

In addition, for the treatment of childhood ADHD to be effective, it is very important that parents and teachers get involved in the treatment, improving the environment in which the child lives, by creating a routine, organizing the environment and offering activities in the right moment.

The natural ways to assist in the treatment of this syndrome are the control of food, avoiding foods rich in dyes and sugars, such as lollipops, candies and gelatin, stimulating the practice of physical activities, in addition to performing alternative therapies such as meditation and acupuncture, which are very useful to calm and stimulate the child's concentration.

Treatment options for the hyperactive child include:

1. Drug treatment

Treatment for ADHD is done with medications that promote a reduction in impulsivity, inattention and movement symptoms, facilitating better social interaction and performance at school or work. Options include:

  • Psychostimulants, such as Methylphenidate (Ritalin), are the first choice for treatment; Antidepressants, such as Imipramine, Nortriptyline, Atomoxetine, Desipramine or Bupropion, for example; Antipsychotics, such as Thioridazine or Risperidone, for example, are useful only in specific cases for controlling behavior, especially when there is mental retardation;

In case of difficulties with treatment, there are still other drugs that can be used, such as Clonidine or Guanfacina, for example. The type of medicine, doses and time of use are determined by the psychiatrist, according to the needs of each child or adult.

2. Treatment with psychotherapy

The psychotherapy that is indicated for the treatment of ADHD is called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, carried out by psychologists, and is focused on supporting behavioral changes and creating better habits, allowing to face the problems caused by ADHD, bringing motivation and autonomy.

Throughout the psychotherapeutic treatment it is also important to work with the entire social context of the child with this syndrome, involving parents and teachers to maintain the guidelines on a daily basis, which are essential to help maintain the child's focus and attention.

3. Natural options

Alternative treatment for ADHD, which does not replace but does aid in the treatment of the person with ADHD, includes:

  • Relaxation and meditation techniques, through yoga, acupuncture and shiatsu, for example, as they help to control the symptoms of agitation and improve concentration. Check out some natural options to help calm down and tips on how to help your child sleep faster; Maintenance of an organized home environment, with rules that facilitate the development of tasks and improve concentration, since the disorganized environment can influence the behavior of impulsivity, hyperactivity and inattention; Encouraging physical activity is essential to reduce hyperactivity, as it helps to expend energy and relax. Care with food, avoiding foods rich in dyes, preservatives, sugars and fat, which can worsen behavior and impulsivity.

In addition, treatment with a speech therapist is recommended in specific cases where there is a simultaneous reading disorder, known as dyslexia, or written expression disorder, known as dysortography.

Family Guidelines

The guidelines for the family on attention deficit and hyperactivity are important to complete the treatment. Some of them are:

  • Create regular schedules in the child's daily life; Look into the child's eyes when talking to them; Help organize the place of study, removing materials that can distract; Offer a space of silence and calm for the child to sleep and study; Offer another activity when the child starts to get agitated; share the information and use fewer words to explain something.

In addition, it is important to promote the child's socialization with other children, as a way to decrease the symptoms of ADHD. Also, check out some tips to teach your child to pay attention.

ADHD Treatment