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How to make the baby sleep all night


It is normal that in the first months of life, the baby is slow to sleep or does not sleep all night, which can be exhausting for parents, who are used to resting during the night.

The number of hours the baby should sleep depends on his age and his degree of development, but it is recommended that the newborn sleep between 16 and 20 hours a day, however, these hours tend to be distributed in periods of few hours throughout the day, as the baby often wakes up to eat.

To make it possible for the baby to sleep all night, it is important to create a sleep routine, playing games such as opening the curtains when it is day and talking quietly and quieter when it is night. According to pediatricians, the baby can start sleeping alone at around 8 months, but this should happen gradually so that the baby does not feel abandoned and afraid. Find out what are the 6 steps to teach your baby to sleep alone.

Tips to help your baby sleep better

For the baby to sleep well at night, and for longer, parents can follow some tips, such as:

1. Create a sleep routine

For the baby to fall asleep quickly and be able to sleep for a longer time, it is essential that he learns to distinguish night from day and, for that, parents must during the day have the house well lit and make the normal noise of the day, besides playing with kid.

However, at bedtime, it is important to prepare the house, reducing the lights, closing the windows and reducing noise, in addition to setting a time to sleep, such as 21.30, for example.

2. Lay the baby in the crib

The baby should sleep alone in the cot or crib from birth, as it is more comfortable and safe, as sleeping in the parents' bed can become dangerous, because the parents can hurt the baby during sleep. And sleeping in a pigpen or chair is uncomfortable and causes pain in the body. In addition, the child should always sleep in the same place to get used to his bed and be able to sleep more easily.

Thus, parents should place the baby in the cradle while still awake so that he learns to fall asleep alone and, when he wakes up, the baby should not be taken out of bed immediately, unless he is uncomfortable or dirty, and should sit next to him. from the crib and talk quietly with him, so that he understands that he should stay there and that it is safe for you.

3. Create a comfortable environment in the bedroom

At bedtime, the baby's room should be neither too hot nor too cold, and noise and light in the room should be reduced by turning off the television, radio or computer.

Another important tip is to turn off bright lights, closing the bedroom window, however, you can leave a night light, such as a socket lamp, so that the child, if he wakes up, is not alarmed by the dark

4. Breastfeed before sleeping

Another way to help the baby fall asleep fast and sleep longer is to put the baby to breastfeed before going to sleep, as it leaves the baby sated and with more time until he feels hungry again.

5. Wear comfortable pajamas

When sleeping the baby to sleep, even if it is to take a nap, you should always wear comfortable pajamas so that the baby learns what clothes to wear when going to bed.

To ensure that pajamas are comfortable, you should prefer a cotton clothes, without buttons or threads and without elastics, so as not to hurt or squeeze the child.

6. Offer a teddy bear to sleep

Some babies like to sleep with a toy to feel safer, and there is usually no problem with the child sleeping with a tiny stuffed animal. However, you should choose dolls that are not too small because there is a chance that the baby will put it in his mouth and swallow, as well as very large dolls that can choke him.

Children with respiratory problems, such as allergies or bronchitis, should not sleep with plush dolls.

7. Bathing before bed

Usually the bath is a relaxing time for the baby and, therefore, it can be an excellent strategy to use before going to bed, as it helps the baby to fall asleep faster and sleep better.

8. Get a massage at bedtime

Like bathing, some babies are drowsy after a back and leg massage, so this can be a way to help your baby fall asleep and sleep more at night. I see how to give the baby a relaxing massage.

9. Change the diaper before bed

When parents go to sleep the baby should change the diaper, cleaning and washing the genital area so that the child always feels clean and comfortable, since the dirty diaper can become uncomfortable and not let the baby sleep, in addition to may cause skin irritation.

How to make the baby sleep all night