Home Symptoms Green banana flour: what it is for and how to make it

Green banana flour: what it is for and how to make it


Using green banana flour is a great weight loss strategy because it helps to control hunger, reduces blood sugar spikes, releases the intestine and even lowers cholesterol and triglycerides.

With so many benefits, this flour, which is very easy to make at home, is a good dietary supplement for those on a diet or simply concerned with appearance and health.

The main benefits of green banana flour include:

  • Help to lose weight because it satiates hunger and makes food stay longer in the stomach; It helps to control diabetes because it has a low glycemic index, which prevents blood glucose spikes; Improve intestinal transit because it has insoluble fibers, which increase the fecal cake, facilitating its exit; Decrease cholesterol and triglycerides because it favors these molecules to join the fecal cake, being eliminated from the body; It favors the body's natural defenses because with the intestine functioning well, it can produce more defense cells; It fights sadness and depression due to the presence of potassium, fibers, minerals, vitamins B1, B6 and beta-carotene that it has.

In order to achieve all these benefits, it is recommended to regularly consume green banana flour and to follow a healthy diet, with few fats and sugar and still do some type of physical activity.

How to make green banana flour

To make green banana flour at home just follow the recipe:


  • 6 green bananas

Method of preparation

Cut the bananas into medium slices, place them side by side in a mold and bake at low temperature, so as not to burn it. Leave until they are very dry, practically crumbling in your hand. Remove from the oven and allow to cool to room temperature. After being completely cold, put the slices in a blender and beat well until it becomes a flour. Sift until the flour is the desired thickness and store in a very dry container and cover.

This homemade green banana flour lasts up to 20 days and contains no gluten.

How to use

The amount of green banana flour to be consumed per day is up to 30 grams. You can add up to 2 tablespoons (soup = 20g) in a glass of water and take it on an empty stomach or add it to yogurt, fruit, fruit smoothies or beans, for example.

It does not have a strong flavor and can also be used to replace wheat flour in the preparation of cakes, muffins, cookies and pancakes.

But it is important to consume more water than usual to ensure that the fecal cake is well hydrated, facilitating its exit. Otherwise, the stool will be very dry.

Recipes with green banana flour

1. Banana cake with raisins

This cake is healthy and has no sugar, but it is sweet in the right measure because it has ripe bananas and raisins.


  • 2 eggs3 tablespoons of coconut oil1 1/2 cup of green banana flour1 / 2 cup of oat bran4 ripe bananas1 / 2 cup of raisin1 pinch of cinnamon1 tablespoon of yeast

Method of preparation:

Mix all the ingredients, putting the yeast in last, until everything is uniform. Bake for 20 minutes or until it passes the toothpick test.

The ideal is to place the cake in small molds or on a tray to make muffins because it doesn't grow much and has a slightly thicker dough than normal. This way it will look better and cook faster.

2. Pancake with green banana flour


  • 1 egg3 tablespoons of coconut oil1 cup of green banana flour1 cup of cow or almond milk1 spoon of yeast1 pinch of salt and sugar or stevia

Method of preparation:

Beat all the ingredients with a mixer and then prepare each pancake by placing a little of the dough in a small frying pan greased with coconut oil. Heat both sides of the pancake and then use fruit, yogurt or cheese as a filling, for example.

Nutritional information

The following table indicates the nutritional value found in green banana flour:

Nutrients Quantity in 2 tablespoons (20g)
Energy 79 calories
Carbohydrates 19 g
Fibers 2 g
Protein 1 g
Vitamin 2 mg
Magnesium 21 mg
Fats 0 mg
Iron 0.7 mg

Price and where to buy

Industrialized green banana flour can be found in some supermarkets and health food stores. Its price varies between 5 to 15 reais.

Who cannot consume

Green banana flour has no contraindications and can be consumed by all people, of all ages. But if you choose an industrialized product see its label to ensure that it does not contain dyes or other food additives because these should be used sparingly by children.

The banana peel, which is not used in the manufacture of green banana flour, has twice as much potassium as the fruit itself. It can also be used in recipes like cake and brigadeiro, see its benefits and how to use it here.

Green banana flour: what it is for and how to make it