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Main benefits of yogurt


Homemade yogurt is a great natural remedy to end constipation and in addition, it is an easily digestible food and is rich in nutrients, especially calcium, which helps prevent osteoporosis and aids in the recovery of fractures.

This yogurt must be kept in the refrigerator when ready and can be consumed even by babies, being a healthier option than industrialized yogurt.

Homemade Yogurt Recipe

To make excellent quality homemade yogurt you need:


  • 1 liter of whole cow's milk1 cup of natural Greek yogurt (170 g) 1 spoon of sugar1 spoon of powdered milk (optional)

Method of preparation

Boil the milk and let it warm, at around 36º C and mix it with natural yogurt, which should be at room temperature, sugar and powdered milk. Put this mixture in an airtight container, wrap it in a very clean cloth and store it in the microwave closed, but turned off, and keep it there for 6 to 10 hours maximum.

Once ready, store it in the refrigerator. The yogurt must be ready when the consistency is the same as the natural yogurt that is bought on the market.

The warm environment of the microwave will favor the proliferation of good yogurt bacteria and they will reach all the milk, transforming it into natural yogurt. Thus, with a small cup of natural yogurt you can make more than 1 liter of natural yogurt.

* You should not put the yogurt in the milk when it is too hot so that the bacteria in the yogurt do not die, because they are the ones that give consistency to the yogurt. It is also not advisable to add fruit or jam before the yogurt is ready to avoid damaging its formation.

Health benefits of yogurt

The main health benefits of natural yogurt include:

  • Improve the intestinal bacterial flora and thus assist in combating a series of diseases; Improve intestinal transit avoiding the putrefaction of food and its consequent production of toxins; Fight the fermentation of food avoiding gases, irritations, inflammation and intestinal infections; Promote the assimilation of calcium and phosphorus and other important minerals; Decrease symptoms of stomach ulcer, duodenum, colitis, enteritis, gastritis and dysentery; Increase the absorption of vitamin C and B vitamins in the body.

The bacteria normally present in yogurt also manufacture B vitamins within the intestinal tract and for all these reasons natural yogurt must be part of the daily diet of all individuals.

For a better use of all the nutritional properties of yogurt, it is recommended to eat natural yogurt for breakfast, along with cereals and fruits. Granola, dark chocolate, honey and unsweetened strawberry jam are also excellent side dishes for natural yogurt.

How to make yogurt cake


  • 1 cup of plain yogurt (200 mg) The same size as the cup of oil yogurt3 eggs 2 cups of flour1 1/2 cup of sugar1 spoon (of coffee) of vanilla essence1 spoon (of coffee) of Royal yeast1 spoon (of coffee) of baking soda

Method of preparation:

Beat the eggs, oil and sugar in the mixer and then add the flour and yogurt, stirring well. After forming a uniform paste add the vanilla essence, yeast and baking soda and mix with a spoon. Bake in floured or parchment paper and bake until golden brown.

The cake bakes faster when it is made in a pudding form, at medium temperature, between 160 and 180º.

Main benefits of yogurt